ActiveGate plugins JSON explained

The plugin.json is your plugin definition. Starting with the metrics used by the plugin to the favicon and plugin configuration fields. Logicaly it can be divided into 4 parts: metadata, UI, Metrics and Configuration.


  "name": "custom.remote.python.example",
  "version": "1.17",
  "productiveMinVersion": "1.000",
  "requiredAgentVersion": "1.000",
  "type": "python",
  "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE",
  "metricGroup": "tech.Example_Service",
  "technologies": ["EXAMPLE_SERVICE"],
  "source": {
    "package": "demo_activegate_plugin_multi",
    "className": "RemoteExamplePlugin",
    "install_requires": [
    "activation": "Remote"
  "ui" : {
    "keymetrics" : [
        "key": "databases.table_size",
        "aggregation": "max",
        "mergeaggregation": "sum",
        "displayname": "Total table size"
    "keycharts" : [
            "group": "Service state",
            "title": "State",
            "series": [
                "key": "service.state_5",
                "displayname": "Status",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "statecolors": ["#ff3333", "#ffd633", "#00b33c"],
                "statechart": true
            "group": "Disk usage",
            "title": "Total disk usage",
            "series": [
                "key": "databases.table_size",
                "displayname": "Sum of databases size",
                "seriestype": "area",
                "color": "#74cff7"
    "charts" : [
        "group": "Memory",
        "title": "Per table usage",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.table_size",
                "displayname": "Per table size",
                "seriestype": "area",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "How big is each table"
        "group": "Entries",
        "title": "Total num entries",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.total_num_entities",
                "displayname": "Total number of entries",
                "seriestype": "line",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "How big is each table"
        "group": "Entries",
        "title": "Archives",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.replicated_entries",
                "displayname": "Number of entries archived",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "Number of metrics moved to archive"
        "group": "Connections",
        "title": "Archives",
        "series": [
                "key": "service.querries_per_second",
                "displayname": "Connections per second",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "Connections per second"
  "metrics": [
    { "statetimeseries": {"key": "service.state_5", "states": ["DOWNTIME", "MAINTENANCE", "WORKING"], "displayname": "Service State", "source": {"state_entrypoint": "/api/state" }}, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
      "timeseries": { "key": "service.querries_per_second", "unit":"PerSecond", "displayname": "Querries per second", "aggregation": "AVG"},
      "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE_GROUP",
      "alert_settings": [{
        "alert_id": "custom_connections_alert",
        "event_type": "AVAILABILITY_EVENT",
        "event_name": "No connections!",
        "description": "The {metricname} of {severity} is {alert_condition} the threshold of {threshold}",
        "threshold": 0.01,
        "alert_condition": "ABOVE",
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.table_size", "unit":"MegaByte", "displayname": "Table size", "aggregation": "MAX", "dimensions": ["table_name"]}, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.total_num_entities", "unit": "Count", "displayname": "Total num ", "aggregation": "MAX" }, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.replicated_entries", "unit": "Count", "displayname": "Archived Entries", "aggregation": "SUM" }, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"}

  "properties": [
      "key": "url",
      "type": "String"
      "key": "auth_user",
      "type": "String"
      "key": "auth_password",
      "type": "Password"
      "key": "state_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 60
      "key": "alert_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 360
      "key": "event_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 240
      "key": "relative_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 60
"configUI" :{
    "displayName": "CustomCloudTechnology",
        "properties" : [
          { "key" : "url", "displayName": "URL", "displayOrder": 3, "displayHint": "http://localhost:9200/" },
          { "key" : "auth_user", "displayName": "User", "displayOrder": 1, "displayHint": "Leave empty if no authentication is set up" },
          { "key" : "auth_password", "displayName": "Password", "displayOrder": 2, "displayHint": "Leave empty if no authentication is set up", "defaultValue": "somepassword"},
          { "key" : "state_interval", "displayName": "State change interval", "displayOrder": 3, "displayHint": "How often state metrics changes", "defaultValue": 60},
          { "key" : "alert_interval", "displayName": "Alert interval", "displayOrder": 4, "displayHint": "How often an alert is raised", "defaultValue": 360},
          { "key" : "event_interval", "displayName": "Event interval", "displayOrder": 5, "displayHint": "How often an event is raised", "defaultValue": 240},
          { "key" : "relative_interval", "displayName": "Relative interval", "displayOrder": 6, "displayHint": "How often relative metric is submitted", "defaultValue": 60}


The top-level metadata section contains a list of properties used to identify your plugin.

plugin.json top level

Field Type Required Description Validation
name string True A unique plugin name in Java package format. minLength: 1, pattern: ^custom.remote.python.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)+$
version string True The plugin version, must be updated whenever the plugin definition is updated. pattern: ^\d+.\d+(.\d+)?$
technologies array of strings True Type of technology that plugin monitors, as can be viewed on Technologies overview page.
favicon string False link to favicon that should be used on technology tile
entity string True Entity type upon which the plugin is activated enum: ['CUSTOM_DEVICE', 'CUSTOM_DEVICE_GROUP']
metricGroup string True Metric group is used for grouping custom metrics into a hierarchical namespace where different sources, for example multiple plugins can contribute. Moreover, metric group becomes primary part of metric key. Hence once defined it could not be changed. minLength: 1, pattern: ^(/?[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)+$
source object False Python metadata used by ActiveGate PluginModule python engine
metrics array True The section defining metrics; see Metrics section for reference uniqueItems: True
properties array of objects False Configuration properties the plugin can accept.
ui object False This part of the JSON defines how metrics are charted on each Process page.
configUI object False The configUI section defines the configuration fields that are displayed in the UI.


The source section lists the package name and class that is to be imported and executed by ActiveGate. This corresponds to the name of the Python file that contains the code and the name of the class that’s defined in it. This information is required by the ActiveGate Plugin Module Python engine.

Example source section
    "package": "remote_example",
    "className": "RemoteExamplePlugin",
    "install_requires": [

Source metadata section

Field Type Required Description Validation
package string True Python package that has plugin class
className string True Name of plugins main python class. Must inherit from BasePlugin.
install_requires array of strings False Relates to Python packaging, see:
packages array of strings False Relates to Python packaging, see:
package_data array of strings False Relates to Python packaging, see:
modules array of strings False Relates to Python packaging, see:

Technologies and favicon

The technologies and favicon properties determine how your technology is presented on the Technology overview page. To have the data from your plugin displayed on an existing technology tile, set a corresponding technology name. You can look up the configured technology names in the ActiveGate plugins JSON reference or you can get them from the UI as the Main technology process property.

If a value of the technologies property doesn't map to an existing one, the plugin will create a new tile on the Technology overview page. The Favicon property determines the technology tile displayed on the page: ActiveGate Plugins Tech Overview


You can't deploy the same plugin version twice. To upload a modified plugin, make sure you increment the plugin version with every build or upload.


ActiveGate plugin name should follow ^ custom.remote.python (\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)+$ regex. For example, custom.remote.python.demo. The name of each plugin must be unique.

Metric Group

The preferred way of using Metric Group is adding prefix "tech" before your metric group definition. For example "tech.elasticsearch". Thanks to this, other users will be able to find additional metrics alongside with others in the context of technology like in this example on Custom Charts page: technologymetricgroup

MetricGroup field can be also used to create a completely new entry. Note that you can use dots to create subgroups, like in this example "My_Metrics.plugins": technologymetricgroup

However, setting metricGroup field is not necessary for already running plugins that originally didn't have is set. In such a case, metricGroup will be automatically set the plugin name not to break the continuity of your data.


This part of the JSON defines how metrics are charted on the DESK page. It contains an optional charts section and an optional keycharts section.

Example UI section:

Demo ui JSON
    "ui" :
    "keymetrics" : [
        "key": "databases.table_size",
        "aggregation": "max",
        "mergeaggregation": "sum",
        "displayname": "Total table size"
    "keycharts" : [
            "group": "Service state",
            "title": "State",
            "series": [
                "key": "service.state_5",
                "displayname": "Status",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "statecolors": ["#ff3333", "#ffd633", "#00b33c"],
                "statechart": true
            "group": "Disk usage",
            "title": "Total disk usage",
            "series": [
                "key": "databases.table_size",
                "displayname": "Sum of databases size",
                "seriestype": "area",
                "color": "#74cff7"
    "charts" : [
        "group": "Memory",
        "title": "Per table usage",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.table_size",
                "displayname": "Per table size",
                "seriestype": "area",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "How big is each table"
        "group": "Entries",
        "title": "Total num entries",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.total_num_entities",
                "displayname": "Total number of entries",
                "seriestype": "line",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "How big is each table"
        "group": "Entries",
        "title": "Archives",
        "series": [
                "key": "databases.replicated_entries",
                "displayname": "Number of entries archived",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "Number of metrics moved to archive"
        "group": "Connections",
        "title": "Archives",
        "series": [
                "key": "service.querries_per_second",
                "displayname": "Connections per second",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "color": "#74cff7",
                "metricexplanation": "Connections per second"


UI Section

Field Type Required Description Validation
keyMetrics array of objects False maxItems: 2
keycharts array of objects False Charts in first chart group in CD instance
charts array of objects False Visible in CD instance, in it's own defined group


The KeyMetrics section is optional and allows you to define up to two metrics that should be part of the Custom Device infographic.

Demo keymetrics JSON
            "key": "databases.table_size",
            "aggregation": "max",
            "mergeaggregation": "sum",
            "displayname": "Total table size"

Here is an example of a keymetric in web UI:


A keymetric has the following attributes:


Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True minLength: 1
aggregation string False Aggregation type enum: ['MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', 'SUM', 'COUNT', 'P50', 'P90', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum', 'count', 'p50', 'p90', 'Min', 'Max', 'Avg', 'Sum', 'Count']
mergeaggregation string False enum: ['MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', 'SUM', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum', 'Min', 'Max', 'Avg', 'Sum']
displayname string False minLength: 1
unit string False enum: ['NanoSecond', 'MicroSecond', 'MilliSecond', 'Second', 'Byte', 'KiloByte', 'KibiByte', 'MegaByte', 'MebiByte', 'BytePerSecond', 'BytePerMinute', 'KiloBytePerSecond', 'KiloBytePerMinute', 'KibiBytePerSecond', 'KibiBytePerMinute', 'MegaBytePerSecond', 'MegaBytePerMinute', 'MebiBytePerSecond', 'MebiBytePerMinute', 'Ratio', 'Percent', 'Promille', 'Count', 'PerSecond', 'PerMinute', 'Unspecified', 'NotApplicable']


Both KeyCharts and Charts have the same object structure, for example:

Demo keycharts JSON
    "keycharts" : [
            "group": "Service state",
            "title": "State",
            "series": [
                "key": "service.state_5",
                "displayname": "Status",
                "seriestype": "bar",
                "statecolors": ["#ff3333", "#ffd633", "#00b33c"],
                "statechart": true
            "group": "Disk usage",
            "title": "Total disk usage",
            "series": [
                "key": "databases.table_size",
                "displayname": "Sum of databases size",
                "seriestype": "area",
                "color": "#74cff7"

Keycharts are visible on each Process page:



Other charts are available after drilling down to the Further details section of each Process page.

UI Charts location


Both chart and keychart sections are an array of objects:


Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
title string True minLength: 1
description string False minLength: 1
group string True minLength: 1
series array of objects True

Where series is an array of objects:


Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True minLength: 1
color string False
aggeragation string False enum: ['MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', 'SUM', 'COUNT', 'P50', 'P90', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum', 'count', 'p50', 'p90', 'Min', 'Max', 'Avg', 'Sum', 'Count']
mergeaggregation string False enum: ['MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', 'SUM', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum', 'Min', 'Max', 'Avg', 'Sum']
dimensions array of strings False
seriestype string False How will given series render in DESK UI enum: ['LINE', 'AREA', 'BAR', 'line', 'area', 'bar', 'Line', 'Area', 'Bar']
stacked boolean False
rightaxis boolean False
displayname string False minLength: 1
unit string False minLength: 1


This part of the JSON is an array and defines which metrics are fetched by the plugin. Each metric is defined by independently by JSON. There are two types of metrics avaiable: timeseries and statetimeseries

Demo metrics JSON
    { "statetimeseries": {"key": "service.state_5", "states": ["DOWNTIME", "MAINTENANCE", "WORKING"], "displayname": "Service State", "source": {"state_entrypoint": "/api/state" }}, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
      "timeseries": { "key": "service.querries_per_second", "unit":"PerSecond", "displayname": "Querries per second", "aggregation": "AVG"},
      "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE_GROUP",
      "alert_settings": [{
        "alert_id": "custom_connections_alert",
        "event_type": "AVAILABILITY_EVENT",
        "event_name": "No connections!",
        "description": "The {metricname} of {severity} is {alert_condition} the threshold of {threshold}",
        "threshold": 0.01,
        "alert_condition": "ABOVE",
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.table_size", "unit":"MegaByte", "displayname": "Table size", "aggregation": "MAX", "dimensions": ["table_name"]}, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.total_num_entities", "unit": "Count", "displayname": "Total num ", "aggregation": "MAX" }, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"},
    { "timeseries": { "key": "databases.replicated_entries", "unit": "Count", "displayname": "Archived Entries", "aggregation": "SUM" }, "entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE"}


Metrics section

Array item have to match one of:

Field Type Required Description Validation
timeseries object True Timeseries definition
entity string False enum: ['CUSTOM_DEVICE', 'CUSTOM_DEVICE_GROUP']
alert_settings array of objects False
source object False Can be used to specify any valid JSON structure, to be processed by the Plugin.
Field Type Required Description Validation
statetimeseries object True Statetimeseries definition
entity string False enum: ['CUSTOM_DEVICE', 'CUSTOM_DEVICE_GROUP']
alert_settings array of objects False

Where timeseries and statetimeseries are defined as:


Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True Metric name specification minLength: 1, pattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)(.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*$
unit string True Metric unit. See the link for available units. enum: ['NanoSecond', 'MicroSecond', 'MilliSecond', 'Second', 'Byte', 'KiloByte', 'KibiByte', 'MegaByte', 'MebiByte', 'BytePerSecond', 'BytePerMinute', 'KiloBytePerSecond', 'KiloBytePerMinute', 'KibiBytePerSecond', 'KibiBytePerMinute', 'MegaBytePerSecond', 'MegaBytePerMinute', 'MebiBytePerSecond', 'MebiBytePerMinute', 'Ratio', 'Percent', 'Promille', 'Count', 'PerSecond', 'PerMinute', 'Unspecified', 'NotApplicable']
aggregation string False Time series data point aggregation enum: ['min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum', 'count', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', 'SUM', 'COUNT', 'Min', 'Max', 'Avg', 'Sum', 'Count']
dimensions array of strings False Dimensions are used to provide 1 metric per plugin ObjectName key property value. For example, version, service, or database. Dimension "rx_pid" at index 0 means the system process ID (PID).
displayname string True The name under which the metric will be displayed. minLength: 1


Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True Metric name specification minLength: 1, pattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)(.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*$
dimensions array of strings False
states array of strings True
displayname string True minLength: 1
source object False Can be used to specify any valid JSON structure, to be processed by the Plugin.


Both timeseries and statetimeseries can define alerts. To do it, use the alert_settings which is an array of objects, where each object looks like:

Demo alert JSON
    "alert_id": "custom_connections_alert",
    "event_type": "AVAILABILITY_EVENT",
    "event_name": "No connections!",
    "description": "The {metricname} of {severity} is {alert_condition} the threshold of {threshold}",
    "threshold": 0.01,
    "alert_condition": "ABOVE",

ActiveGate Plugin Alert


Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
alert_id string True Metric name specification minLength: 1, pattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)(.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*$
event_type string True Event type enum: ['PERFORMANCE_EVENT', 'AVAILABILITY_EVENT', 'ERROR_EVENT']
description string False Description defines alert message, following code snippets could be used: {threshold} the value of the custom threshold that was violated {severity} the violating value {entityname} the display name of the entity where the metric violated {violating_samples} the number of violating samples that led to that event {dimensions} a string containg the violating dimensions of the metric {alert_condition} a string showing if above or below threshold is alerting
alert_condition string True Alert condition enum: ['ABOVE', 'BELOW']
event_name string True Event name displayed on UI pages. minLength: 1
threshold number True The value of the threshold.
samples integer True Size of the "window" in which violating_samples are counted.
violating_samples integer True The number of violating samples that rise an alert. Must be less that samples.
dealerting_samples integer True The number of not violating samples that deactivate and alert. Must be less that samples.


The plugin configuration section controls the plugin data appearance in the web UI at Settings > Monitored technologies and its configuration, for example: user name, password, connection string, etc. The configUI section defines the configuration fields that are displayed in the UI. The properties section defines the configuration properties that are sent to the plugin.


Example ConfigUI section:

Demo configui JSON
    "configUI" :{
        "displayName": "CustomCloudTechnology",
        "properties" : [
            { "key" : "url", "displayName": "URL", "displayOrder": 3, "displayHint": "http://localhost:9200/" },
            { "key" : "auth_user", "displayName": "User", "displayOrder": 1, "displayHint": "Leave empty if no authentication is set up" },
            { "key" : "auth_password", "displayName": "Password", "displayOrder": 2, "displayHint": "Leave empty if no authentication is set up", "defaultValue": "somepassword"},
            { "key" : "state_interval", "displayName": "State change interval", "displayOrder": 3, "displayHint": "How often state metrics changes", "defaultValue": 60},
            { "key" : "alert_interval", "displayName": "Alert interval", "displayOrder": 4, "displayHint": "How often an alert is raised", "defaultValue": 360},
            { "key" : "event_interval", "displayName": "Event interval", "displayOrder": 5, "displayHint": "How often an event is raised", "defaultValue": 240},
            { "key" : "relative_interval", "displayName": "Relative interval", "displayOrder": 6, "displayHint": "How often relative metric is submitted", "defaultValue": 60}

This is how it will manifest in Monitored Technologies:

ActiveGate Plugin ConfigUI

Note the two additional fields: Endpoint and Choose ActiveGate. Endpoint is a CustomDevice name and Choose ActiveGate is a dropdown of all avaiable ActiveGate PluginModules - select the on you want to use to execute the plugin.

ConfigUI is an array of objects:

Config UI section

Field Type Required Description Validation
displayName string False Human readable plugin name. This name is displayed in web UI at Settings > Monitored technologies > Custom plugins once the plugin is uploaded. minLength: 1
properties array of objects False

Properties is an array of objects that are used to define fields for plugin cofiguration page:

ConfigUI properties

Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True Config property key, needs to match key from configUI properties section minLength: 1
displayName string True Human readable property name. minLength: 1
displayOrder integer False Determines display order on plugin configuration tile.
displayHint string False Hint displayed in the tool-tip.


Example Properties section:

Demo properties JSON
    "properties" : [
      "key": "url",
      "type": "String"
      "key": "auth_user",
      "type": "String"
      "key": "auth_password",
      "type": "Password"
      "key": "state_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 60
      "key": "alert_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 360
      "key": "event_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 240
      "key": "relative_interval",
      "type": "Integer",
      "defaultValue": 60

Properties is an array of objects:

Plugin properties

Array item definition:

Field Type Required Description Validation
key string True Property key. Must be unique within this plugin and must match the key from configUI properties. minLength: 1
type string True For 'PASSWORD' stars will be displayed while typing. enum: ['STRING', 'BOOLEAN', 'INTEGER', 'FLOAT', 'PASSWORD', 'JSON', 'TEXTAREA', 'DROPDOWN', 'string', 'boolean', 'integer', 'float', 'password', 'json', 'textarea', 'dropdown', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Password', 'Json', 'Textarea', 'Dropdown']
defaultValue string False Default value.