Where can I view host performance measures?

Click the Hosts tile on your home dashboard to view the Hosts page—a list of all the hosts detected in your environment.

The Hosts page lists all the machines (both physical and virtual) in your environment that have OneAgent installed on them. Click a host to go to that host's dedicated Host page, where you can view all available metrics for the host.

The following image shows the Hosts page in tile viewing mode. You can use the list in the upper-right corner to select a specific metric to analyze (CPU, Memory, Disk latency, or Network traffic) across all hosts. Hosts that require attention appear in red and display at the top of the tile. For example, this image shows a host that has exceeded the available disk space threshold.

The following image shows the Hosts page in table viewing mode. Click any column header to sort the list based on a specific criteria. For example, the list is sorted by CPU usage in the image.

What's included on individual host pages?

Each Host page details the health of the hardware resources that the selected host relies on. Click one of the four health statistics (CPU, Memory, Disk, or NIC) to view details of the metrics that contribute to each measurement.

The following image shows network interface traffic on the Host page.

The problems tile lets you see active and closed problems related to the selected host. DESK also reports recurring problem patterns as frequent issues in this tile, but alerts are only sent out if the severity of the recurring pattern increases.

Click a problem in the list to see the root cause of the problem and understand the impact it has on your services.

In addition to performance metrics and charts you can track host availability on the Host page Availability tile. This represents the percentage of time that the host was online and responsive to requests. DESK detects and shows operating system shutdowns (including reboots) and periods when a host is offline (for example, if the host is down unexpectedly). Unmonitored indicates periods of time when monitoring is turned off.

The Events tile shows the distribution of events over time, including service deployments, process crash details, and memory dumps.

Digging deep into performance factors

On each Host page you'll find one or more buttons directing you to pages that show you the details of the specific components that contribute to the selected host health statistic (Contributing processes, Contributing disks, or Contributing network interfaces). This image shows the memory usage link to the list of component processes that contribute to the memory usage health statistic.

This image shows the component processes that contribute to this health statistic.

Click a specific component process to view its properties and the performance metrics that DESK captured for that component. Both the process tile on the Processes page and the specific process overview page alert you to any processes that require restart.

The process tile also shows information for the host's Docker containers and lets you drill down to the Docker details page to see CPU, Memory, Traffic, and Throttling details for containers in each image.

The following image shows Docker image traffic details for a selected host on the Containers detail page.

Host detail - docker details

Learn more about how processes are tracked