Set up DESK Managed for AWS monitoring

You can integrate DESK with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for intelligent monitoring of services running in the Amazon Cloud. AWS integration helps you stay on top of the dynamics of your data center in the cloud.


DESK can be deployed with or without Environment ActiveGate. Make sure that you meet one of the following deployment requirements:

  • For deployments with Environment ActiveGate, the Environment ActiveGate must be hosted in AWS.
  • For deployment without Environment ActiveGate, a DESK Managed Server must be hosted in AWS.


Follow these basic steps to integrate DESK Managed with Amazon Web Services (AWS):

Choose an access method:


DESK makes Amazon API requests every 5 minutes. In addition to CloudWatch API calls, DESK makes API calls to the monitored AWS services in order to learn about their instances, tags, etc. The list of called services and actions is available below in the Create the monitoring policy section. Here's a rough estimate of AWS monitoring costs:

AWS service Number of metrics Daily cost per instance (USD)
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 7 $0.02016
Elastic Block Store (EBS) 8 $0.02304
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) 11 $0.03168
Relational Database Service (RDS) 11 $0.03168
DynamoDB 15 $0.06912
Lambda 4 $0.01152
Amazon charges

Amazon will charge about $0.01 per 1,000 metrics requested from the CloudWatch API and include the cost in the bill for the AWS account you use with DESK.

AWS monitoring policy

The AWS monitoring policy defines the minimal scope of permissions you need to give to DESK to monitor the services running in your AWS account. Create it once and use anytime when enabling DESK access to your AWS account.

Go to Identity and Access Management (IAM) in your Amazon Console.

Go to Policies and click Create policy.

Select the JSON tab, and paste the predefined policy from the box below.

Give the policy a name. For example DESK_monitoring_policy. Type it in the Name field.

Click the Create policy button.

Access methods

To get the information required for comprehensive AWS cloud-computing monitoring, DESK needs to identify all the virtualized infrastructure components in your AWS environment and collect performance metrics related to those components. We use this information to understand the context of your applications, services, and hosts. For this to happen, you need to authorize DESK to access your Amazon metrics.

You can enable DESK access to your AWS metrics by either using a private access key (key-based access) or defining a special role for DESK (role-based access). In all the cases, make sure that your Environment ActiveGate or Managed Server have a working connection to AWS. Configure your proxy for Managed or ActiveGate, or whitelist * in your firewall settings.

As a best practice, use temporary security credentials (IAM roles) instead of access keys, and disable any AWS account root user access keys.

Key-based access

If you decide to use key-based authentication, remember to rotate the keys periodically. Keep in mind that you need to perform this procedure each time you change the key.

What you need
  • Rights to create a new AWS user
  • Your AWS account ID
  • Your Amazon Access key ID and Secret access key

Enabling access to your Amazon account using key-based access

DESK can use access keys to make secure REST or Query protocol requests to the AWS service API. You'll need to generate an Access key ID and a Secret access key that DESK can use to get metrics from Amazon Web Services.

In your Amazon Console, go to Users and click Add User.

Enter a name for the key you want to create (for example, DESK_monitoring_user). In Select AWS access type, select the Programmatic access option and click Next:Permissions button.

Click Attach existing policies directly and choose the monitoring policy you defined, for example DESK_monitoring_policy. Click Next: Review.

Review the user details and click the Create user button.

Store the Access Key ID name (AKID) and Secret access key values.
You can either download the user credentials or copy the credentials displayed online (click Show).

Connecting your Amazon account to DESK using key-based access

Once you've granted AWS access to DESK, it's time to connect DESK to your Amazon AWS account.

In DESK, go to Settings > Cloud and virtualization > AWS and click Connect new instance.

Select Key based authentication method.

  • Create a name for this connection. This is mandatory. DESK needs this name to identify and display the connection.
  • In the Access key ID field, paste the identifier of the key you created in Amazon for DESK access.
  • In the Secret access key field, paste the value of the key you created in Amazon for DESK access.
  • Click Connect to verify and save the connection.

Once the connection is successfully verified and saved, your AWS account will be listed in the Cloud and virtualization settings page. You should soon begin to see AWS cloud monitoring data.

Role-based access

In a typical setup, you'll create and attach two roles, one for DESK and one for your Environment ActiveGate (or DESK Managed Server) hosted in your AWS infrastructure. In order to successfully integrate DESK with AWS for monitoring of services using the role-based method, at least one of the DESK components must be hosted in your AWS.

What you need
  • Environment ActiveGate or DESK Managed Server (for deployments without Environment ActiveGate) installed on an AWS EC2 host in order to have IAM role attached.
  • The ID of the AWS account that hosts the ActiveGate (i.e., the account that hosts your DESK components).
  • The name of the role with which your DESK Managed Server or Environment ActiveGate was started.
  • The Amazon Web Services monitored account ID, that is the account you want to monitor.
  • The External Id copied from Settings > Cloud and virtualization > AWS

Enabling access to your Amazon account using role-based access

The steps described below apply in scenarios where the source and monitored accounts are the same and when they're different accounts. If you want to monitor multiple accounts, repeat Step 1 for each account and add them to the Statement.Resource array in the policy in Step 2.4.

Step 1. Create a monitoring role for DESK on your monitored account

In your browser, open a new tab and sign in to DESK to get the External Id. Go to Settings > Cloud and virtualization > AWS, click Connect new instance, select Role based authentication method and click Copy next to the Token field.

Go to Identity and Access Management (IAM) in your Amazon Console.

Go to Roles and click Create role.

Select the Another AWS account tile and establish trust with the DESK account.

Paste the 12-digit account ID (hosting the ActiveGate) that is used to access the monitored account.

Select Require external ID option.

Paste the External ID you copied in the first step. Click Next: Permissions.

In the Attach permissions policies section, choose the monitoring policy you created, for example DESK_monitoring_policy. Click Next: Review.

On the Review page, provide the role name, for example DESK_monitoring_role. Remember it, you'll need it later to connect your Amazon account to DESK. Click the Create Role button.

Step 2. Create a role for the ActiveGate or DESK Managed Server host on your account hosting ActiveGate

Once the DESK_monitoring_role is created on the monitored account, create a role for Environment ActiveGate or Dyntrace Managed Server that will be responsible for AWS monitoring.

In your Amazon Console, go to Roles, click Create role. Select AWS service and EC2 as the service that will use the role. Click Next: Permissions and skip to the Review page.

On the Review page, provide the role a name, for example DESK_ActiveGate_role and click Create role.

Select DESK_ActiveGate_role and click Add inline policy

Select the JSON and paste the predefined policy from below. Edit it and add:

  • The 12-digit monitored account number
  • The role name created in previous steps, (for example DESK_monitoring_role), that is used to assume a monitoring role.

Don't include the < and > characters.

If you want to monitor multiple target accounts, add monitoring roles Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of all monitoring accounts to "Resource" array.

When done, paste Update policy and then click Review policy.

Name the inline policy you've just created, for example DESK_assume_policy and click Create policy.

Go back to the DESK_monitoring_role you created earlier and select Trust relationships tab in the role summary page and click Edit Trust Relationships.

Paste the JSON sample below into a text editor. Edit it and add:

  • The 12-digit number of the account hosting the ActiveGate,
  • The role with which your Environment ActiveGate or DESK Managed Server was started, and the external ID you copied in previous steps.

Don't include the < and > characters.

Paste the modified text and click Update Trust Policy button.

Go to EC2 console, right-click an instance hosting your Environment ActiveGate or DESK Managed Server and select Instance settings > Attach/Replace IAM Role.

Select the role created earlier, DESK_ActiveGate_role, and click Apply.

Step 3. Modify ActiveGate configuration

Edit the file of your Environment ActiveGate.

Set the following properties as below:

use_aws_proxy_role = false
aws_monitoring_enabled = true
Multiple ActiveGates

It is enough to use only one ActiveGate dedicated for AWS monitoring. However, some deployments scenarios, for example for redundancy purposes, may require multiple ActiveGates in your deployment.

Make sure that only properly configured ActiveGates have aws_monitoring_enabled set to true.

  • They need network access to AWS endpoints.
  • For role-based monitoring, they must have proper roles attached.

Keep in mind that DESK cluster nodes contain embedded ActiveGates. Make sure to set the aws_monitoring_enabled property to false on these ActiveGates if they are not configured fully for AWS monitoring.

If the ActiveGate is dedicated to AWS monitoring, you must also set the MSGrouter property to false:

MSGrouter = false

Remove aws_proxy_account and aws_proxy_role properties.

Save the file and restart ActiveGate.

Connecting your Amazon account to DESK using role-based access

Once you've granted AWS access to DESK, it's time to connect DESK to your Amazon AWS account.

In DESK, go to Settings > Cloud and virtualization > AWS and click Connect new instance.

Select either the Role based authenticationmethod.

  • Create a name for this connection. If you leave this field empty, the name Role will be used on DESK pages to define this connection.
  • In the Role field, type the name of the role you created in Amazon for DESK, for example DESK_monitoring_role.
  • Type your Account ID (the account you want us to pull metrics from).
  • Click Connect to verify and save the connection.

Once the connection is successfully verified and saved, your AWS account will be listed in the Cloud and virtualization settings page.
You should soon begin to see AWS cloud monitoring data.

Define AWS resource tagging

We recommend to limit the scope of your AWS monitoring and reduce the number API calls to Amazon. You can use the tagging to limit the AWS resources that are monitored by DESK. For details see How do I tag AWS resources?