Troubleshoot AWS monitoring setup


I can't find the [aws_monitoring] property.

The file on my Environment ActiveGate does not have the [aws_monitoring] property listed in the documentation.


Make sure that you have the latest version of Environment ActiveGate. Earlier versions (ActiveGate version 1.159 or earlier) contained a property with a different name. Set that property instead:

ActiveGate version 1.159 or earlier

AWSAgentEnabled = true

What if I need to connect through proxy?

See Set up proxy authentication for ActiveGate

What if I have more than one ActiveGate?

Confirm that all ActiveGates that have AWS monitoring enabled can connect to AWS.
In case of role-based setup: Ensure that all ActiveGates that have AWS monitoring enabled have the ActiveGate role attached.

Another approach is to choose one ActiveGate you want to monitor your AWS account with. Any ActiveGate type will work as long as it can connect to AWS. On that ActiveGate edit the file and set the following property to true:

Version 1.159 or earlier

AWSAgentEnabled = true

ActiveGate version 1.161 or later

aws_monitoring_enabled = true

On all the other ActiveGates, set the property to false.

What if my ActiveGate is behind a firewall?

Add the * to the firewall whitelist.

What if I create and attach the role for ActiveGate, but it still can't assume the monitoring role?

An error may occur when attaching a role to an EC2 instance. In such cases, you can use curl to retrieve the instance metadata to verify if the role is listed there. Use the following command:


If the attached role is still not listed in the instance metadata, it often helps to reattach it again.

For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data in AWS documentation.