Customize OneAgent installation on AIX

AIX installer can be used with command line parameters when you can't use the default settings. Note that all parameters listed below are optional.

SERVER—The address of the DESK Server. Use the IP address or a name. Add the port number following a colon, for example

TENANT—Your DESK environment ID. You received this ID with your activation email. By default, this setting is already set to the correct value. If you're selling DESK-based services, use this option to set your customers' IDs (available from the pool of IDs you purchased from DESK).

TENANT_TOKEN—The internal token that is used for authentication when OneAgent connects to the DESK cluster to send data. You can retrieve the tenant token from the following REST endpoint. In return, you will get a JSON object that will include the TENANT_TOKEN.


Be sure to replace <ENVIRONMENTID> and <API_TOKEN> with the proper values.

PROXY—The address of the proxy server. Use the IP address or a name. Add the port number following a colon, for example We also support IPv6 addresses. If you want the installer to skip entering proxy details, use PROXY=no_proxy. OneAgent installation on AIX supports automatic proxy detection based on the environment variables: http_proxy, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY, and HTTPS_PROXY. To automatically detect proxy details, use PROXY=auto parameter. Proxy detection based on APT or YUM settings is not supported.

INFRA_ONLY—Activates cloud infrastructure monitoring mode, in place of full-stack monitoring mode. With this approach, you receive infrastructure-only health data, with no application or user performance data. For details, see Cloud infrastructure monitoring. Accepted values are 0 (deactivated) and 1 (activated). This option can alternatively be enabled/disabled through the Web UI.

INSTALL_PATH—allows installation to a different directory. For example: /bin/sh INSTALL_PATH=/data/desk/. When this parameter is used, the installer creates the symbolic link /opt/desk/oneagent -> /data/desk and all DESK OneAgent files are placed in the specified directory (in this example, /data/desk). Note that this symbolic link needs to be removed manually, once OneAgent has been uninstalled.

DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOGS_ACCESS—When set to 1, disables DESK OneAgent access to /var/log/syslog. DESK OneAgent downloads /var/log/syslog for the purpose of diagnosing issues that may be caused by conditions in your environment. Note that the DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOGS_ACCESS parameter is a self-diagnostics setting and is not related in any way to Log Monitoring which is not available on AIX.

HOST_GROUP—The name of a group you want to assign the host to. For details, see Organize your environment using host groups. The host group string can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, and periods. It must not start with dt. and the maximum length is 100 characters. For example HOST_GROUP=My.HostGroup_123-456 or –-set-host-group=My.HostGroup_123-456. To remove the host from a group, you must uninstall OneAgent or pass an empty value –-set-host-group="" when running a OneAgent update. You can't remove the host from a group using the HOST_GROUP parameter when updating OneAgent. The –-set-host-group parameter is available since version 1.177. For more information, see OneAgent configuration via command-line interface.