Deploy OneAgent on OpenShift for application-only monitoring

To deploy OneAgent on OpenShift for application-only monitoring, read the instructions provided below.

Before you begin

You'll need to

Generate a PaaS token

The first step is to get your environment ID and PaaS token for your DESK environment.

Integrate OneAgent into your application

The following steps explain how to integrate OneAgent into a binary build with a Dockerfile.

You have two integration options:

  • Integrate at container build time.
  • OneAgent version 1.149 and later Integrate at container run time.

The build time integration consists of two steps:

  1. Integrate OneAgent into the application image.
  2. Build the application image.

Integrate OneAgent into the application image

Define variables with optional default values using ARG instructions, as shown in the code snippet below.

ARG DT_API_URL="https://<environmentID>"
ARG DT_API_TOKEN="<token>"
ARG DT_ONEAGENT_OPTIONS="flavor=default&include=<technology1>&include=<technology2>"
ENV DT_HOME="/opt/desk/oneagent"


  1. You can override the default values within the OpenShift BuildConfig. Replace <environmentID> with your DESK environment ID. If you’re using DESK Managed, you need to provide your DESK Server URL (https://<YourDESKServerURL>/e/<environmentID>/api). Replace <token> with the PaaS token mentioned above.
  2. Technology support is enabled via include parameters. Valid options for flavor=default are all, java, apache, nginx, nodejs, dotnet, php and go. Including specific technology-support options, rather than support for all technology options, results in a smaller OneAgent package.

Add the following commands to your current Dockerfile to integrate OneAgent and activate instrumentation of your application.

ARG DT_API_URL="https://<environmentID>"
ARG DT_API_TOKEN="<token>"
ARG DT_ONEAGENT_OPTIONS="flavor=default&include=<technology1>&include=<technology2>"
ENV DT_HOME="/opt/desk/oneagent"
RUN mkdir -p "$DT_HOME" && \
    wget -O "$DT_HOME/" "$DT_API_URL/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/paas/latest?Api-Token=$DT_API_TOKEN&$DT_ONEAGENT_OPTIONS" && \
    unzip -d "$DT_HOME" "$DT_HOME/" && \
    rm "$DT_HOME/"
ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/desk/oneagent/" ]
CMD [ "executable", "param1", "param2" ] # the command of your application, e.g. java

Note: The commands above that use wget and unzip may fail if they aren't provided by the base image.

Build your application image

In an OpenShift context the above Dockerfile could be used for binary builds in the following way:

$ oc new-build --binary --strategy=docker --allow-missing-images yourapp
$ oc patch bc/yourapp --type=json --patch='[{"op":"remove","path":"/spec/strategy/dockerStrategy/from"}]'
$ oc start-build yourapp --from-dir=. --follow

Note: You can monitor your application containers with a different DESK environment. To do this, read the instructions below:

Configure a proxy address (optional)

In case you run an environment with proxy, you need to set the DT_PROXY environment variable in the application container to pass the proxy credentials to OneAgent.

Note: You might need to update the wget shipped with the Alpine image to allow for proxy authentication for the download of OneAgent (see for more information).