SMP/E install of the OneAgent for z/OS

You can directly download the installation files of the OneAgents for z/OS to your mainframe from the DESK HTTPS or FTP server. Use one of the sample JCL pulldowns below to do this.

There are three retrieval methods

  • HTTPS RFN install (JOB RFNHINST) uses Receive From Network commands and HTTPS which requires an SMP/E computed hash value.
  • FTP RFN install (JOB RFNINSTL) uses the FTP server Receive From Network commands which also requires an SMP/E computed hash value. The current hash value is included with both RFN JCL pulldowns below. This hash value is also used for the RFNMAINT and RFNHMANT members located in the SZDTSAMP dataset.
  • FTP install (JOB FTPINSTL) uses standard FTP procedures. Refer to the SZDTSAMP member list further down the page.
CICS users

On a release upgrade, update zDC version first. This ensures the support of the earlier versions of OneAgents. Then update the Code Modules on CICS and restart CICS. Do not dynamically install new version.

Determine the desired high level qualifier for the install dataset names, and set the HLQ variable accordingly in the JCL below.

If you're using the RFN process, set a USS directory for temporary files required by SMP/E and the VOLSER where you want the install datasets created.


This JCL takes advantage of inline symbols that first appeared in z/OS R 2.1

Run the Modified download JCL. If you use the default high level qualifier, the following datasets are created:


The DT.DTMF.LZDT720.F2 PDS contains JCL for the SMP/E portion of the install and subsequent maintenance. After the SMP/E APPLY step has been run, copies of these members may be found in the SZDTSAMP dataset. The following members are provided:

Member Description
FTPINSTL A copy of the FTP download job.
FTPMAINT A job to download cumulative PTF maintenance only.

Note that all currently available maintenance is also delivered with the product install.
RFNHINST A copy of the RFN HTTPS download job.
RFNHMNT A job to download cumulative PTF maintenance only through HTTPS RFN commands.

Update this member with the SET HASH value in the aforementioned RFNHINST job pulldown. Hash value changes are updated in this documentation. All currently available maintenance is also delivered with the product install.
RFNINSTL A copy of the RFN download job.
RFNMAINT A job to download cumulative PTF maintenance only through RFN commands.

Update this member with the SET HASH value in the aforementioned RFNINSTL job. Hash value changes are updated in this documentation. All currently available maintenance is also delivered with the product install.
SMPINSTL An SMP/E job to complete the product install.
SMPMAINT An SMP/E job to apply cumulative PTF maintenance to the target libraries.

If you changed the default HLQ in the download job, make the same change to the SMPINSTL job and any subsequent maintenance download or install jobs.

Run the modified SMPINSTL job. If you use the default high level qualifier, the following datasets are created:




If the job ends with a RC of 4, the SMP/E portion of the installation is a success. The installation process creates and populates four target libraries. If you use the default high level qualifier, the target dataset names are

  • DT.LZDT720.SZDTAUTH: Contains zDC load modules.
  • DT.LZDT720.SZDTLOAD: Contains CICS code modules.
  • DT.LZDT720.SZDTIMSA: Contains IMS and IMS Connect code modules.
  • DT.LZDT720.SZDTSAMP: Includes sample JCL and CICS RDO definitions.