Permission requirements for OneAgent installation and operation on AIX

To fully automate the monitoring of your operating systems, processes, and network interfaces DESK requires privileged access to your operating system during both installation and operation.

DESK OneAgent is tested extensively to ensure that it has minimal performance impact on your system and conforms to the highest security standards.


DESK OneAgent requires admin privileges for:

  • Adding an entry for DESK OneAgent to /etc/rc.shutdown
  • Registering DESK OneAgent service in the system's init via the mkitab command


DESK OneAgent requires admin privileges to:

  • Access the list of open sockets for each process.
  • Access the list of libraries loaded for each process.
  • Access the name and path of the executable file for each process.
  • Access command line parameters for each process.
  • Monitor network traffic.
  • Read application configuration files.

System logs downloaded by OneAgent

DESK OneAgent downloads specific system logs so that DESK can diagnose issues that may be caused by conditions in your environment. Most often such issues are related to deep monitoring or installations run as automatic updates. System logs downloaded by OneAgent on AIX are:

  • /var/log/syslog
  • /var/adm/ras/errlog
  • /etc/security/limits