Log data storage

Log Monitoring enables you to store all logs centrally within external storage. This makes log data available independent of log files themselves. This can be beneficial in the following situations:

  • Short log retention periods
  • Volatile log storage
  • Legal requirements for keeping logs archived centrally for long time periods

Log storage requirements and costs


For DESK SaaS customers, log files are stored in Amazon Elastic File System in the zone where your DESK environment resides. You don’t have to worry about storage performance, availability, or free space. Disk storage costs are included in your Log Monitoring subscription. Costs are based on the average size of your cloud-based log storage, including the amount of streamed log data and the defined retention period. For details, see How to calculate monitoring consumption and Data retention periods.

DESK Managed

To store log files centrally on your DESK Managed cluster, you must provide a common Network File System (NFS) mount point (path) that is identical throughout the cluster and available from all cluster nodes. With this approach, it's your responsibility to ensure appropriate levels of performance, availability, and free space on the mounted NFS volume. Costs are calculated based only on the amount of ingress log data (GB/day), not total storage size, so retention time doesn't influence storage costs.

Before configuring the path for log storage, make sure that you have the appropriate license:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Licensing.
  2. In the Licensing section, look for the Avg. daily log volume license.
    • If the Avg. daily log volume is not listed, contact your sales representative for a Log Monitoring license.
    • If the Avg. daily log volume is listed, proceed to configuring the central storage location for your logs.

To set up your central location for log storage:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Settings > Log Monitoring.

  2. Set the Use network attached storage switch to the On position.

  3. Click the edit button and type the mount point (for example, /usr/local/path/to/storage) to the network resource.

    Make sure that the DESK cluster has access to the mount point you indicated.

  4. Restart the DESK cluster using the Restart button for each of the nodes in the cluster.

  5. For each monitored environment, in the Set total environment quotas section, set the Log monitoring storage to a non-zero value (default 0 MB).