Browser monitors in private locations

Private browser monitors are the perfect solution for testing your enterprise applications from inside your private network infrastructure.

Private browser monitors are available with DESK version 1.170+ and ActiveGate version 1.169+. To start executing browser monitors from private locations, you must reinstall the ActiveGate. It's not sufficient to modify the settings in the file.

What are browser monitors?

It's either single-URL browser monitor testing the availability of a single page of your website or web application, or browser clickpath simulating the sequence of interactions.

What is a private synthetic location?

A location in your private network infrastructure where you install a synthetic-enabled ActiveGate. With browser monitors executed on this ActiveGate, you can check the availability of internal resources that are inaccessible from outside your network.

Before you begin

  • The private browser monitors are executed on a clean installed synthetic-enabled Environment ActiveGate version 1.169+ or Cluster ActiveGate with DESK Managed version 1.176+. If you want to use an existing ActiveGate machine, uninstall it first.
  • The synthetic-enabled ActiveGate is used exclusively to run synthetic monitors. The clean ActiveGate installation set to Synthetic monitoring disables all other ActiveGate features, including communication with OneAgents.
  • You need to make sure the ActiveGate can connect to other DESK components, as well as the resource you want to test. See Setting up proxy for private synthetic.
  • Private monitors can be executed on an ActiveGate installed on Ubuntu Server 16.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, or Windows Server 2016 since version 1.173. See System and hardware requirements for private synthetic.
  • Make sure your hardware is strong enough to run private monitors. A synthetic-enabled ActiveGate is more demanding in terms of hardware requirements. See System and hardware requirements for private synthetic.


  • You can create maximum of 100 private locations for a tenant and maximum of 200 locations can be assigned to an individual synthetic browser monitor.
  • In DESK Managed offline deployments, you won't be able to save screenshots.

Setting up browser monitors in private locations

Step 1. Install dependencies (Linux only)

On Linux, you have to manually manage the dependencies and proper versions of ActiveGate and Chromium required by the browser monitors engine. On Windows, Chromium is bundled with the ActiveGate installed in the synthetic mode.

ActiveGate Chromium
1.169+ 73

Step 2. Install a synthetic-enabled ActiveGate.

Install a clean synthetic-enabled ActiveGate and add it to a private synthetic location. For more information, see Installing synthetic-enabled ActiveGate. You must perform a clean ActiveGate installation in the Synthetic monitoring mode to use it for private browser monitors.

Step 3. Create a browser monitor

Create a single-URL browser monitor or a clickpath and assign it to a private location you've just created.

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