Markdown tile

The Markdown tile enables you to add rich text comments to your dashboard. You can write annotations to tiles or add links to related DESK entities or views.

Markdown provides powerful possibilities to format your comments. You find Markdown documentation at

To add a markdown tile to your dashboard:

  1. In the navigation menu, click Dashboards.
  2. Click the required dashboard to open it.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Edit. The right-hand panel displays the catalog of available tiles.
  4. Find the markdown tile and drag it to the required position.
  5. Type your text into the input field in the right-hand panel. A preview of the tile is immediately displayed.

Supported markdown features

The following Markdown features are supported:

  • Headings: You can use heading levels from H1 to H6. Markdown works in headings.
  • Emphasis: You can add bold using asterisks or underscores.
  • Lists: You can create numbered, or bulleted lists, and also create sub-list items.
  • Links: There are two ways to define a link:
    • An absolute URL.
    • An anchor to a DESK page, for example, [Synthetic](#monitors;gf=all;gtf=l_2_HOURS). The URL of your environment will be prepended automatically. You can copy an anchor from your browser's address field.
  • Horizontal rules
  • Line breaks