Integrate Davis Assistant with third-party platforms

Learn how to build a custom integration using the Davis Assistant API for platforms that aren't supported out of the box.

General requirements

  • A valid, enabled Davis Assistant API token
  • A system with network access to Davis on port 443


  • All requests must include the Authorization header that includes a Davis Assistant API token.
  • Create a new Davis Assistant API token in the Davis API configuration (located at Account settings > Integrations > Davis API within Davis Assistant).

You must be an administrator of the active (selected) environment to access the Davis Assistant API configuration section. If the token is invalid, the API will return a 401 Unauthorized status code. If you're attempting to perform an action that requires administrative privileges for the selected environment, and lack these privileges, the API will return a 403 Forbidden status code.

POST user interaction input

Method POST
Header Content-Type: application/json
Header Authorization: api-token ${DAVIS API TOKEN}