Script mode for browser monitor configuration

In addition to the usual configuration in the UI, you can use Script mode to configure your clickpath or single-URL monitors. In this mode, you can access the underlying JSON script of your monitor. If you're a synthetic power user, this will make your life a lot easier and allow you to speed up clickpath creation and management. Use the script editor to quickly find specific events (steps), adapt locators across the whole script, or edit parts of the clickpath without rerecording.

You aren't limited to just one mode—you can switch back and forth between the UI and script modes by clicking the Clickpath/Script switch.

Access the clickpath script

To edit your clickpath browser monitor in script mode:

  1. Select Synthetic from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the clickpath monitor you want to edit.
  3. Click the Browse (...) button and select Edit.
  4. Click the Recorded clickpath tab in the Monitor settings menu on the left.
  5. Click Script at the top.

Access the single-URL script

To edit your single-URL browser monitor in the script mode:

  1. Select Synthetic from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the single-URL monitor you want to edit.
  3. Click the Browse (...) button and select Edit.
  4. Click the Monitor script tab in the in the Monitor settings menu on the left.

Edit the script

You can download the script, or just copy it from the editor, and edit it in a text editor of your choice.

However, you can also edit the script directly in the browser. This provides the following benefits:

  • Autocomplete—just press Ctrl+Spacebar to see the list of suggestions.
  • Syntax highlighting makes it easier for you to write script code.
  • Instant error validation—the editor instantly shows a warning for any error in the script. Hover over the error to see what's wrong and a suggestion for how to fix it. You cannot save changes until the code is error free.

You can play your changes back for clickpath scripts without saving them—just click Play back clickpath.

Script structure

Main script object

Contains the monitor script.

Element Type Description Required
configuration ScriptConfig The setup of the monitor optional
type string The type of monitor

Possible values are:
  • clickpath for clickpath monitors
  • availability for single-URL browser monitors
    These monitors are only allowed to have one event of the navigate type.
version string Script version—use the 1.0 value here. required
events Array of:
Steps of the clickpath—the first step must always be of the navigate type.

Note that an event is not the same thing as an action—only events that trigger web requests are called actions, so your script might not have as many actions as events. Synthetic actions (similar to user actions for real user monitoring) hold the performance data collected during the playback of clickpath events.

The actual JSON object of the event depends on its type:
  • navigateEvent—contains a Navigate event.
  • interactionEvent—contains a Click or Tap event.
  • javaScriptEvent—contains a JavaScript event.
  • selectOptionEvent—contains a Select option event.
  • cookieEvent—contains a Cookie event.
  • keystrokesEvent—contains a Keystroke event.

The ScriptConfig object

Contains the setup of the monitor.

Element Type Description Required
userAgent string The user agent of the request optional
device customDevice
The emulated device of the monitor—holds either the parameters of the custom device or the name and orientation of the preconfigured device.

If not set, then the Desktop preconfigured device is used.
bandwidth bandwidthOptions
The emulated network conditions of the monitor

If not set, then the full available bandwidth is used.
requestHeaders requestHeader[] The list of HTTP headers to be sent with requests of the monitor optional
requestHeaderFilters string[] Limits the usage of request headers. Only requests matching the specified criteria will use headers from the requestHeaders element. optional
cookies requestCookie[] List of cookies to be created for the monitor

These cookies are added before execution of the first step.

The customDevice object

Contains the emulated device of the monitor.

Element Type Description Required
mobile boolean The flag of the mobile device

Set to true for mobile devices or false for a desktop or laptop.
touchEnabled boolean The flag of the touchscreen

Set to true if the device uses touchscreen. In that case, use can set interaction event as tap.
width integer The width of the screen in pixels

The maximum allowed width is 1920.
height integer The height of the screen in pixels

The maximum allowed height is 1080.
scaleFactor integer The pixel ratio of the device optional

The predefinedDevice object

Contains one of the preconfigured device emulations.

Element Type Description Required
deviceName string The name of the preconfigured device—when editing in the browser, press Crtl+Spacebar to see the list of available devices. required
orientation string The orientation of the device—portrait or landscape

Desktop and laptop devices are not allowed to use the portrait orientation.

The bandwidthOptions object

Contains the emulated network conditions of the monitor.

Element Type Description Required
latency integer The latency of the network, in milliseconds required
download integer The download speed of the network, in bytes per second required
upload integer The upload speed of the network, in bytes per second required

The predefinedBandwidth object

Contains the pre-configured network emulations.

Element Type Description Required
networkType string The type of the preconfigured network—when editing in the browser, press Crtl+Spacebar to see the list of available networks. required

The requestHeader object

Contains the list of HTTP headers to be sent with requests of the monitor.

The following headers are not allowed:

  • user-agent
  • cookie
Element Type Description Required
name string The name of the HTTP header required
value string The value of the HTTP header required

The requestCookie object

Contains the list of cookies to be created for the monitor.

Every cookie must be unique within the list. However, you can use the same cookie again in other event.

Element Type Description Required
name string The name of the cookie

The following cookie names are now allowed:
  • dtCookie
  • dtLatC
  • dtPC
  • rxVisitor
  • rxlatency
  • rxpc
  • rxsession
  • rxvt
value string The value of the cookie—the following symbols are not allowed: ;,\". required
domain string The domain of the cookie required
path string The path to the cookie optional

The navigateEvent object

Contains a Navigate event.

Element Type Description Required
type string The type of synthetic event

In this case, the event type is navigate.
url string The URL to navigate to required
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
wait waitCondition The wait condition for the event—defines how long DESK should wait before the next action is executed. optional
validate validationType[] The validation rule for the event—helps you verify that your browser monitor loads the expected page content or page element. optional
target targetType The tab on which the page should open optional
authentication authenticationType The login credentials to bypass the browser login mask optional

The interactionEvent object

Contains a Click or a Tap event.

Element Type Description Required
type string The type of synthetic event

In this case, click or tap
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
button integer The mouse button to be used for the click required
wait waitCondition The wait condition for the event—defines how long DESK should wait before the next action is executed. optional
validate validationType[] The validation rule for the event—helps you verify that your browser monitor loads the expected page content or page element. optional
target targetType The element to click/tap on optional

The javaScriptEvent object

Contains a JavaScript event.

Element Type Description Required
type string The type of synthetic event

In this case, javascript
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
javaScript string The JavaScript code to be executed in this event required
wait waitCondition The wait condition for the event—defines how long DESK should wait before the next action is executed. optional
target targetType The tab where the JavaScript code is executed optional

The selectOptionEvent object

Contains a Select option event.

Element Type Description Required
type string The type of synthetic event

In this case, selectOption
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
selections listOptions[] The options to be selected required
wait waitCondition The wait condition for the event—defines how long DESK should wait before the next action is executed. optional
validate validationType[] The validation rule for the event—helps you to verify that your browser monitor loads the expected page content or page element. optional
target targetType The selection tag of the drop-down optional

The cookieEvent object

Contains a Cookie event.

Element Type Description Required
type string cookie required
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
cookies requestCookie[] The list of cookies to be created during the event

Every cookie must be unique within the list. However, you can use the same cookie again in other event.

The keystrokesEvent object

Contains a Keystroke event.

Element Type Description Required
type string keystrokes required
description string A short description of the event to appear in the UI required
textValue string The text to enter required
masked boolean Indicates whether the textValue is encrypted (true) or not (false). required
simulateBlurEvent boolean Defines whether to blur the text field when it loses focus.

Set to true to trigger the blur the textValue.
wait waitCondition The wait condition for the event—defines how long DESK should wait before the next action is executed. optional
validate validationType[] The validation rule for the event—helps you to verify that your browser monitor loads the expected page content or page element. optional
target targetType The object to enter the text to optional

The waitCondition object

Contains the wait condition for an event.

Element Type Description Required
waitFor string The time to wait before the next event is triggered

Possible values are:
  • page_complete—wait for the page to load completely.
  • network—wait for background network activity to complete.
  • next_action—wait for the next action.
  • time—wait for specific period of time.
  • validation—wait for a specific element to appear.
milliseconds integer The time to wait, in milliseconds

The maximum allowed value is 60000.
required for the time type

Not applicable otherwise
timeoutInMilliseconds integer The maximum amount of time to wait for a certain element to appear, in milliseconds—if exceeded, the action is marked as failed.

The maximum allowed value is 60000.
required for the validation type

Not applicable otherwise
validation validationType[] The element to wait for required for the validation type

Not applicable otherwise

The validationType object

Contains the validation rule for an event or waiting rule.

Element Type Description Required
type string The goal of the validation:
  • content_match—check page for the specific content. Not allowed for validation inside of wait condition.
  • element_match—check page for the specific element.
match string The content to look for on the page

Regular expressions are allowed. In that case set isRegex as true.
required for content_match

optional for element_match
isRegex boolean Defines whether match is a plain text (false) or regular expression (true). optional
failIfFound boolean The condition of the validation:
  • false—validation succeeds if the specified content/element is found.
  • true—validation fails if the specified content/element is found.
target targetType The element to look for on the page required for element_match

optional for content_match

The authenticationType object

The login credentials to bypass the browser login mask during a Navigate event

Element Type Description Required
type string The type of authentication—basic or webform.

Only the basic type is allowed in clickpath monitors.
username string The username to log in with required
password string The password to log in with

It contains not the actual password, but a unique ID of it, and the password itself is stored in DESK and found by the ID. If you change the ID, the stored password becomes unavailable.

To change the password, set the masked property as false and type in the new password.
masked boolean The flag of the masked password

true means that the password is encrypted and stored, and the password field shows the ID of the password to encrypt the password.

Set false to type in a new password.

The listOptions object

Contains the options to be selected in the Select option event.

Element Type Description Required
index integer The index of the option to be selected required
value string The value of the option to be selected required

The targetType object

Contains the target tab or element of the event.

Element Type Description Required
window string The tab of the target optional
locators locatorType[] The list of locators identifying the desired element optional

The locatorType object

Contains an element of a page to look for.

Element Type Description Required
type string Defines where to look for the element:
  • css—in CSS selector
  • dom—in JavaScript code
value string The name of the element to be found required