Synthetic monitors API - POST a monitor

Creates a new synthetic monitor.

The configuration of the new monitor is passed via its JSON script.

This request is an early adopter release and may be changed in non compatible way.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/synthetic/monitors
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


Refer to JSON models to find all JSON models that depend on the type of the model.

Parameter Type Description In Required
body SyntheticMonitorUpdate

The JSON body of the request, containing parameters of the new synthetic monitor.

body optional

The SyntheticMonitorUpdate object

The synthetic monitor update. This is a base object, the exact type depends on the value of the type field.

Element Type Description Required
frequencyMin integer

The frequency of the monitor, in minutes.

You can use one of the following values: 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60.

anomalyDetection AnomalyDetection

The anomaly detection configuration.

type string

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value:

BROWSER -> BrowserSyntheticMonitorUpdate HTTP -> HttpSyntheticMonitorUpdate

The type element can hold these values.
name string

The name of the monitor.

locations string[]

A list of locations from which the monitor is executed.

To specify a location, use its entity ID.

enabled boolean

The monitor is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

script object

The script of a browser or HTTP monitor.

tags string[]

A set of tags assigned to the monitor.

Only specify the value of the tag here. The CONTEXTLESS context will be added automatically.

manuallyAssignedApps string[]

A set of manually assigned applications.


The AnomalyDetection object

The anomaly detection configuration.

Element Type Description Required
outageHandling OutageHandlingPolicy

Outage handling configuration.

loadingTimeThresholds LoadingTimeThresholdsPolicyDto

Performance thresholds configuration.


The LoadingTimeThresholdsPolicyDto object

Performance thresholds configuration.

Element Type Description Required
enabled boolean

Performance threshold is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

thresholds LoadingTimeThreshold[]

The list of performance threshold rules.


The LoadingTimeThreshold object

The performance threshold rule.

Element Type Description Required
type string

The type of the threshold: total loading time or action loading time.

The type element can hold these values.
valueMs integer

Notify if monitor takes longer than X milliseconds to load.

requestIndex integer

Specify the request to which an ACTION threshold applies.


The OutageHandlingPolicy object

Outage handling configuration.

Element Type Description Required
globalOutage boolean

When enabled (true), generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable at all configured locations.

localOutage boolean

When enabled (true), generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable for one or more consecutive runs at any location.

localOutagePolicy LocalOutagePolicy

Local outage handling configuration.


The LocalOutagePolicy object

Local outage handling configuration.

Alert if affectedLocations of locations are unable to access the web application consecutiveRuns times consecutively.

Element Type Description Required
affectedLocations integer

The number of affected locations to trigger an alert.

consecutiveRuns integer

The number of consecutive fails to trigger an alert.


Possible values

Possible values for the type element in the SyntheticMonitorUpdate object:

  • HTTP

Possible values for the type element in the LoadingTimeThreshold object:


Response format

The EntityIdDto object

A DTO for entity ID.

Element Type Description
entityId string

Entity ID to be transferred


In this example, the request creates a simple browser monitor that navigates to

The monitor is executed every 10 minutes from one location, which has the ID of GEOLOCATION-0A41430434C388A9. A problem will be raised if the website is unavailable for three consecutive runs. A notification is sent if the website takes longer than 500 milliseconds to load.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The response contains the entity ID of the newly created monitor.

Since the request body is lengthy, it is truncated in this example Curl section. See the full body in the Request body section. You can download or copy the example request body to try it out on your own. Before using it, make sure that the location from the example is available in your environment. You can fetch the list of available locations with the GET all synthetic locations call. If the location is not available, replace it with any location you're using.


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{<truncated - see the Request body section >}'

Request URL

Request body

  "frequencyMin": 10,
  "anomalyDetection": {
    "outageHandling": {
      "globalOutage": true,
      "localOutage": false,
      "localOutagePolicy": {
        "affectedLocations": 1,
        "consecutiveRuns": 3
    "loadingTimeThresholds": {
      "enabled": true,
      "thresholds": [
          "type": "total",
          "valueMs": 500
  "type": "BROWSER",
  "name": "restExample",
  "locations": [
  "enabled": true,
  "script": {
    "configuration": {
      "device": {
        "orientation": "landscape",
        "deviceName": "Desktop"
    "type": "clickpath",
    "version": "1.0",
    "events": [
        "type": "navigate",
        "wait": {
        "description": "navigate to main page ",
  "tags": [

Response body

  "entityId": "SYNTHETIC_TEST-00000000000254E2"

Response code