Timeseries API - GET list of metrics

Lists all metric definitions, along with parameters of each metric available within your environment.

The full list can be lengthy, but you can narrow it down by specifying filter parameters such as the source of the metric. See the Parameters expandable section for more details.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/timeseries
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}.live.dexp.ae/api/v1/timeseries


Parameter Type Description In Required
source string

The type of the metric, such as BUILTIN or CUSTOM.

The source element can hold these values.
query optional
detailedSource string

The feature where metrics originates, such as Synthetic or RUM.

query optional

Possible values

Possible values for the source element:

  • ALL

Possible values for the detailedSource element:

You can find allowed values for the detailedSource element in the subheadings of the Built-in metrics and Plugin metrics sections of the available metrics pages for SaaS and Managed. Use them exactly as in headings—spaces included.

Response format

The result is JSON containing the array of objects, with each object representing a metric.

The TimeseriesDefinition object

The configuration of a metric with all its parameters.

Element Type Description
timeseriesId string

The ID of the metric.

displayName string

The name of the metric in the user interface.

dimensions string[]

The fine metric division, for example process group and process ID for some process-related metric.

unit string

The unit of the metric.

detailedSource string

The feature, where the metric originates.

pluginId string

The ID of the plugin, where the metric originates.

types string[]

Technology type definition. Used to group metrics under a logical technology name.

aggregationTypes string[]

The list of allowed aggregations for this metric.

filter string

The feature, where the metric originates.


In this example, the request lists the metric of the PLUGIN type, where the detailed source is PHP-FPM.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The result is truncated to two entries.


curl -X GET \
  'https://mySampleEnv.live.dexp.ae/api/v1/timeseries?source=plugin&detailedsource=PHP-FPM' \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL


Response content

    "timeseriesId": "beta.python.phpfpm.dev:accepted conn",
    "displayName": "accepted conn",
    "dimensions": [
    "aggregationTypes": [
    "unit": "Count (count)",
    "filter": "PLUGIN",
    "detailedSource": "PHP-FPM",
    "pluginId": "beta.python.phpfpm.dev",
    "types": []
     "timeseriesId": "beta.python.phpfpm.dev:active processes",
     "displayName": "active processes",
     "dimensions": [
    "aggregationTypes": [
    "unit": "Count (count)",
    "filter": "PLUGIN",
    "detailedSource": "PHP-FPM",
    "pluginId": "beta.python.phpfpm.dev",
    "types": []

Response code


Process types

The list of known process types we monitor with DESK is continuously growing. If you don't see the process type you want in the list below, please refer to the DESK processes page to see whether the process is included there.

OS types

The list of known operating systems that we monitor with DESK is continuously growing. If you don't see the OS type you want listed below, please refer to the DESK hosts page to see whether the OS type is included there.

Service types

Technology types

Aggregation types