Configurable properties of DESK Managed

The configurable DESK Managed properties are described below. While these properties are in the /server/conf/ file, this file is always overwritten during an update. As a result, if you configure properties in that file, your custom configuration won't be preserved.

To preserve custom configuration settings during an update, make all changes to property settings in the custom.settings file located in the /opt/desk-managed/installer directory of all cluster nodes. You can create the file if it doesn't already exist. During an upgrade, the installer reads the custom.settings file and, based on your custom configuration, modifies the file.

The custom.settings file must have the following information:

  • The location of the file to be modified
  • The section to modify
  • The property and the value to be set

For example, if you have modified the connection-timeout property to 3000000 and set the proxy-off property to true, and you would like to preserve these settings during the upgrade:

Edit or create the custom.settings file.

In the custom.settings file, specify which file should be modified during the install. Add a line with the target configuration file path (including the chevrons).


Add a line with the section to be modified for connection-timeout. The connection-timeout property is in [settings] section.


Add a line with the property and the value setting.


Add a line with the section to be modified for proxy-off. The proxy-off property is in [http.client.external] section.


Add a line with the property and the value setting.

proxy-off = true

The resulting custom.settings file for this example should look like this:

proxy-off = true

With such a custom.settings file placed on all of the cluster nodes in the /opt/desk-managed/installer directory, every time you upgrade the node the installer will set connection-timeout to 3000000 and proxy-off to true in the, thus preserving your custom configuration.

Applies to service restarts

DESK Managed also executes this custom configuration action with each restart of the DESK service.

Section: [com.compuware.apm.webserver]

Property Default value Description
port-ssl 8021 The port where DESK Server listens for traffic from OneAgent.
ssl-protocols TLSv1.2 Supported SSL protocols. Can be one or a list of the following values: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
excluded-ciphers unset List of additionally excluded ciphers (ciphers are defined by a substring matching at least a part of the cipher name, for example _DHE_)

Sections: [http.client.internal] - [http.client.external] - [http.client.opc]

These three sections regard different HTTP communication types but include the same content. The properties of [http.client.internal] relate to internal traffic (server-to-server) while those of [http.client.external] relate to external traffic (for example, WebHook calls).

WebHook integration

There are cases where the WebHook integration can't use the proxy and therefore the proxy needs to be disabled. See Troubleshoot DESK Managed.

The properties of [http.client.opc] concern the calls to Mission Control.

Property Default value Description
proxy-server unset Proxy server URL
proxy-port unset Proxy port (numeric)
proxy-user unset Proxy user name (optional)
proxy-password unset Proxy password (optional). Authentication with user/password is transferred as a basic authentication header to the proxy. The initial plain text password is encrypted and stored in proxy-password-encr by the system.