How does Mission Control pro-active support work?

DESK Managed automatically solves many common maintenance and support challenges for you. With DESK Mission Control, you get fully automated management capabilities in a pro-active way that keep DESK Server secure, reliable, and up-to-date—all while saving you from the hassles of administrative tasks like upgrades and troubleshooting. Once you've granted the required permissions, our Mission Control team can remotely access your DESK Server to assist with upgrades and troubleshooting when you run into problems.

How Mission Control works

To facilitate pro-active support, your DESK Server transmits status information to DESK Mission Control. The only data that our Mission Control team can access comes from the DESK Managed components. At no time can our Mission Control team access your operating system or file system.

Given permission, our Mission Control team can remotely analyze the hardware utilization of your DESK Managed installation and alert you if more resources are required.

Our goal is to provide the highest possible system uptime for UI and monitored data. For more information, check out DESK Managed Mission Control and Service Level Agreement.

What Mission Control does

DESK Mission Control is responsible for sending:

  • Usage and billing information

  • DESK cluster health
    We gather basic DESK Managed deployment statistics for quick alerting in case of infrastructure issues, and to provide configuration automation. Mission Control gathers such information as number of nodes, status of DESK services, or disk partitions usage.

  • DESK Cluster events
    Events like server starts/shutdowns, added/removed nodes, and ActiveGate registrations are tracked automatically. Our Mission Control team can remotely analyze and address problems or incompatibilities with your DESK Server, so you don't need to track and react to system events. If you should ever need to contact DESK Support, you won't need to collect the required log files for problem details—Mission Control gathers this data for your automatically. To see the list of DESK Server system events that are automatically logged, click the Events tile on your DESK Managed home page.

  • Cluster settings
    Our Mission Control team can remotely optimize your DESK Managed settings to ensure optimum performance and stability.

  • Software updates
    DESK Managed software updates are mandatory and are typically published every four weeks. You can customize the timing of DESK Managed updates (daily or weekly). Updates are automatically communicated to your users at least 24 hours in advance. DESK Managed updates are fast and allow monitoring to continue seamlessly.

Mission Control security

All communication with Mission Control is secure and performed via HTTPS with browser-like certificate checks. All DESK Managed configuration changes are fully audit-logged and each remote access is logged as a separate event (click the Events tile on your DESK Managed home page to view the list of recorded events). The Mission Control team can't access certificates or user credentials. They also can't gain root access to any servers. For analytical information on what is exchanged between your DESK Managed cluster and Mission Control and how often, please check Data exchange between Managed clusters and Mission Control.