How to add a certificate to DESK Server TrustStore

There may be times when you need to manually add a certificate to the DESK Server TrustStore, for example if DESK Server refuses to accept a certificate when sending emails or WebHook notifications. This typically happens when a self-signed certificate is used.

How to know when DESK Server isn't accepting certificates

If DESK Server is having trouble sending notifications, look for any files in the log directory of your DESK Server installation that have the name pattern server.*.*.log.

If any files with this naming pattern exist in the log folder, search through those log files for the following entry: PKIX path building failed:

Log entries such as the example above indicate that the certificate provided by the notification receiver wasn't accepted by DESK Server. The reason for this is usually that the certificate isn't trusted.

Add a custom certificate to the DESK Server TrustStore

You can use the Java KeyTool to enter commands to create the KeyStore. DESK redistributes Java Keytool as part of the JRE installed with DESK Server. By default, this tool is available in <desk-managed-installation-directory>/gateway/jre/bin or, depending on your deployment, in /opt/desk-managed/jre/bin.

Open a command prompt and switch to the directory where the Java KeyTool is located.

(optional) Create the KeyStore for the custom certificate.
See Generating a KeyStore and TrustStore for information on creating a Java KeyStore.

Export the custom certificate in CER format.
For example, to export a certificate that you want to name customcertificate.cer, specifying a password and the alias, enter a command similar to the following (Note: You must insert your organization's file paths, file names, and password into these commands in place of the included sample values).

keytool -export -storepass passwd -alias deskalias -keystore /usr/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file /tmp/customcertificate.cer

Import trusted certificate into DESK Managed keystore.

  1. Create the script file:
  1. Make the script executable:
chmod +x
  1. Run the script to import the certificate: <full_path_to_cer_file> <alias_for_certificate>

Restart DESK Server.

/opt/desk-managed/launcher/ restart