Database anomaly detection API - GET configuration

Gets the configuration of anomaly detection for database services.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/anomalyDetection/databaseServices
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


The request doesn't provide any configurable parameters.

Response format

The DatabaseAnomalyDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the anomaly detection for database services.

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

responseTimeDegradation ResponseTimeDegradationDetectionConfig

How to detect response time degradation.

failureRateIncrease FailureRateIncreaseDetectionConfig

How to detect failure rate increase.

databaseConnectionFailureCount DatabaseConnectionFailureDetectionConfig

How to detect database connection failures.

The DatabaseConnectionFailureDetectionConfig object

Parameters of the failed database connections detection.

The alert is triggered when failed connections number exceeds connectionFailsCount during any timePeriodMinutes minutes period.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

connectionFailsCount integer

Number of failed database connections during any timePeriodMinutes minutes period to trigger an alert.

timePeriodMinutes integer

The X minutes time period during which the connectionFailsCount is evaluated.

The FailureRateIncreaseDetectionConfig object

Configuration of failure rate increase detection.

Element Type Description
detectionMode string

How to detect failure rate increase: automatically, or based on fixed thresholds, or do not detect.

automaticDetection FailureRateIncreaseAutodetectionConfig

Parameters of automatic failure rate increase detection.

Required if detectionMode is DETECT_AUTOMATICALLY. Not applicable otherwise.

The absolute and relative thresholds both must be exceeded to trigger an alert.

Example: If the expected error rate is 1.5%, and you set an absolute increase of 1%, and you set a relative increase of 50%, the thresholds will be: Absolute: 1.5% + 1% = 2.5% Relative: 1.5% + 1.5% * 50% = 2.25%

thresholds FailureRateIncreaseThresholdConfig

Fixed thresholds for failure rate increase detection.

Required if the detectionMode is DETECT_USING_FIXED_THRESHOLDS. Not applicable otherwise.

The FailureRateIncreaseThresholdConfig object

Fixed thresholds for failure rate increase detection.

Required if detectionMode is DETECT_USING_FIXED_THRESHOLDS. Not applicable otherwise.

Element Type Description
threshold integer

Failure rate during any 5-minute period to trigger an alert, %.

sensitivity string

Sensitivity of the threshold.

With low sensitivity, high statistical confidence is used. Brief violations (for example, due to a surge in load) won't trigger alerts.

With high sensitivity, no statistical confidence is used. Each violation triggers alert.

The FailureRateIncreaseAutodetectionConfig object

Parameters of failure rate increase auto-detection. Required if detectionMode is DETECT_AUTOMATICALLY. Not applicable otherwise.

The absolute and relative thresholds both must exceed to trigger an alert.

Example: If the expected error rate is 1.5%, and you set an absolute increase of 1%, and a relative increase of 50%, the thresholds will be: Absolute: 1.5% + 1% = 2.5% Relative: 1.5% + 1.5% * 50% = 2.25%

Element Type Description
failingServiceCallPercentageIncreaseAbsolute integer

Absolute increase of failing service calls to trigger an alert, %.

failingServiceCallPercentageIncreaseRelative integer

Relative increase of failing service calls to trigger an alert, %.

The ResponseTimeDegradationDetectionConfig object

Configuration of response time degradation detection.

Element Type Description
detectionMode string

How to detect response time degradation: automatically, or based on fixed thresholds, or do not detect.

automaticDetection ResponseTimeDegradationAutodetectionConfig

Parameters of automatic response time degradation detection.

Required if detectionMode is DETECT_AUTOMATICALLY. Not applicable otherwise.

Violation of any criterion triggers an alert.

thresholds ResponseTimeDegradationThresholdConfig

Fixed thresholds for response time degradation detection.

Required if detectionMode is DETECT_USING_FIXED_THRESHOLDS. Not applicable otherwise.

The ResponseTimeDegradationThresholdConfig object

Fixed thresholds for response time degradation detection.

Required if detectionMode is DETECT_USING_FIXED_THRESHOLDS. Not applicable otherwise.

Element Type Description
responseTimeThresholdMilliseconds integer

Response time during any 5-minute period to trigger an alert, in milliseconds.

slowestResponseTimeThresholdMilliseconds integer

Response time of the 10% slowest during any 5-minute period to trigger an alert, in milliseconds.

loadThreshold string

Minimal service load to detect response time degradation.

Response time degradation of services with smaller load won't trigger alerts.

sensitivity string

Sensitivity of the threshold.

With low sensitivity, high statistical confidence is used. Brief violations (for example, due to a surge in load) won't trigger alerts.

With high sensitivity, no statistical confidence is used. Each violation triggers an alert.

The ResponseTimeDegradationAutodetectionConfig object

Parameters of the response time degradation auto-detection. Required if the detectionMode is DETECT_AUTOMATICALLY. Not applicable otherwise.

Violation of any criterion triggers an alert.

Element Type Description
responseTimeDegradationMilliseconds integer

Alert if the response time degrades by more than X milliseconds.

responseTimeDegradationPercent integer

Alert if the response time degrades by more than X %.

slowestResponseTimeDegradationMilliseconds integer

Alert if the response time of the slowest 10% degrades by more than X milliseconds.

slowestResponseTimeDegradationPercent integer

Alert if the response time of the slowest 10% degrades by more than X %.

loadThreshold string

Minimal service load to detect response time degradation.

Response time degradation of services with smaller load won't trigger alerts.

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.


In this example, the request lists the current configuration of anomaly detection for database services.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The configuration has the following settings:

Anomaly detection config - database


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

  "metadata": {
    "clusterVersion": "",
    "configurationVersions": [
  "responseTimeDegradation": {
    "detectionMode": "DONT_DETECT"
  "failureRateIncrease": {
    "thresholds": {
      "threshold": 0,
      "sensitivity": "LOW"
  "databaseConnectionFailureCount": {
    "enabled": true,
    "connectionFailsCount": 5,
    "timePeriodMinutes": 5

Response code