Problems API - GET feed

Lists the problems (and their details) observed by DESK during a relative period of time.

Keep in mind that a complete list could be very long. You can narrow down the output by specifying filtering criteria—see the Parameters expandable section.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/problem/feed
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
relativeTime string

The relative timeframe of the inquiry, back from the current time.

The relativeTime element can hold these values.
query optional
startTimestamp integer

The start timestamp of the requested timeframe, in UTC milliseconds.

query optional
endTimestamp integer

The end timestamp of the requested timeframe, in UTC milliseconds.

If endTimestamp is later than the current time, the current time is used.

The timeframe must not exceed 31 days.

query optional
status string

Filters the result problems by the status.

The status element can hold these values.
query optional
impactLevel string

Filters the result problems by the impact level.

The impactLevel element can hold these values.
query optional
severityLevel string

Filters the result problems by the severity level.

The severityLevel element can hold these values.
query optional
tag array

Filters the result problems by the tags of affected entities.You can specify several tags in the following format: tag=tag1&tag=tag2. The problem has to match all the specified tags.

In case of key-value tags, such as imported AWS or CloudFoundry tags use following format: [context]key:value.

query optional
expandDetails boolean

Includes(true) or excludes(false) related events to the response.

Defaults to false, excluding the related events.

query optional

Possible values

Possible values for the severityLevel element:


Possible values for the impactLevel element:


Possible values for the status element:

  • OPEN

Possible values for the relativeTime element:

  • 10mins
  • 15mins
  • 2hours
  • 30mins
  • 3days
  • 5mins
  • 6hours
  • day
  • hour
  • min
  • month
  • week

Response format

The ProblemFeedResultWrapper object

Element Type Description
result ProblemFeedQueryResult

The ProblemFeedQueryResult object

Details on open problems in your environment.

Element Type Description
problems Problem[]

The list of problems and their details.

Contains all problems within specified timeframe, open and closed.

monitored object

The number of monitored entities per impact level.

The Problem object

The properties of a problem.

Element Type Description
id string

The ID of the problem.

startTime integer

The start timestamp of the problem, in UTC milliseconds.

endTime integer

The start timestamp of the problem, in UTC milliseconds.

Has -1 value, if the problem is still open.

displayName string

The name of the problem, displayed in the UI.

impactLevel string

The impact level of the problem. It shows what is affected by the problem: infrastructure, service, or application.

status string

The status of the problem.

severityLevel string

The severity of the problem.

commentCount integer

The number of comments to the problem.

tagsOfAffectedEntities TagInfo[]

Tags of entities affected by the problem.

rankedEvents Event[]

The list of events related to the problem.

rankedImpacts EventRestImpact[]

Provides impact information of the events in an aggregated form. For a more detailed impact analysis, see rankedEvents.

affectedCounts object

The number of affected entities per impact level.

recoveredCounts object

The number of entities that were affected, but recovered, per impact level.

hasRootCause boolean

Indicates whether DESK has found at least one possible root cause for the problem.

The EventRestImpact object

The information about the event's impact.

Element Type Description
entityId string

The ID of the affected DESK entity.

entityName string

The name of the affected DESK entity.

severityLevel string

The severity of the event.

impactLevel string

The impact level of the event. It shows what is affected by the problem: infrastructure, service, or application.

eventType string

The type of the event.

resourceId string

The id of the resource the event occurred on.

resourceName string

The name of the resource the event occurred on.

The Event object

The properties of an event.

Element Type Description
startTime integer

The timestamp of the event detection, in UTC milliseconds.

endTime integer

The timestamp of the event closure, in UTC milliseconds.

Has the -1 value if the event is still open.

entityId string

The ID of the affected DESK entity.

entityName string

The name of the affected DESK entity.

severityLevel string

The severity of the event.

impactLevel string

The impact level of the event. It shows what is affected by the problem: infrastructure, service, or application.

eventType string

The type of the event.

resourceId string

The id of the resource the event occurred on.

resourceName string

The name of the resource the event occurred on.

status string

The status of the event.

severities EventSeverity[]

Additional data on the event severity.

isRootCause boolean

Indicates if the event is the root cause of a problem.

deploymentProject string
cpuLimitInMHz integer
deploymentParamAdded string
affectedPrivateSyntheticLocations string[]
isClusterWide boolean

For events with event type MONITORING_UNAVAILABLE, it may be that the event is occurring on the entire DESK cluster. If this is true, it could be that there are problems on the DESK side.

source string
effectiveEntity string
operatingSystem string
artifact string
cpuLoad number
affectedRequestsPerMinute number
annotationDescription string
browser string
affectedSyntheticLocations string[]
deploymentName string
deploymentParamRemoved string
correlationId string
userDefined50thPercentileThreshold number
serviceMethodGroup string
referenceResponseTime90thPercentile number
userAction string
minimumProcessGroupInstanceCountThreshold integer
referenceResponseTime50thPercentile number
original string
userDefined90thPercentileThreshold number
deploymentVersion string
annotationType string
affectedSyntheticActions string[]

If the event type is one of the synthetic event types then we may have information on which synthetic actions are affected by the event. The names of those are returned in this field.

affectedUserActionsPerMinute number
activeMaintenanceWindows EntityShortRepresentation[]
mobileAppVersion string
userDefinedFailureRateThreshold number
percentile string
customProperties object
remediationAction string
service string
ciBackLink string
geolocation string
serviceMethod string
changed string

The EntityShortRepresentation object

The short representation of a DESK entity.

Element Type Description
id string

The ID of the DESK entity.

name string

The name of the DESK entity.

description string

A short description of the DESK entity.

The EventSeverity object

Additional data on the event severity.

Element Type Description
context string

The metric used in the event severity calculation.

value number

The value of the severity.

unit string

The unit of the severity value.

The TagInfo object

Tag of a DESK entity.

Element Type Description
context string

The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.

Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS value.

key string

The key of the tag.

Custom tags have the tag value here.

value string

The value of the tag.

Not applicable to custom tags.


In this example, the request gets the problems that have occurred during the last hour and which are affecting infrastructure.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The result is truncated to the first two entries.


curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

    "result": {
        "problems": [
                "id": "-1024851378335816085_1538553240000V2",
                "startTime": 1538553240000,
                "endTime": 7258118400000,
                "displayName": "85",
                "impactLevel": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
                "status": "OPEN",
                "severityLevel": "ERROR",
                "commentCount": 0,
                "tagsOfAffectedEntities": [
                        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
                        "key": "loadtest"
                "rankedImpacts": [
                        "entityId": "PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE-DE765F657721AF59",
                        "entityName": "IIS app pool dotNetBackend_easyTravel_x64",
                        "severityLevel": "ERROR",
                        "impactLevel": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
                        "eventType": "PROCESS_LOG_ERROR"
                "affectedCounts": {
                    "INFRASTRUCTURE": 1,
                    "SERVICE": 0,
                    "APPLICATION": 0,
                    "ENVIRONMENT": 0
                "recoveredCounts": {
                    "INFRASTRUCTURE": 0,
                    "SERVICE": 0,
                    "APPLICATION": 0,
                    "ENVIRONMENT": 0
                "hasRootCause": true
                "id": "2307087411653364173_1538400720000V2",
                "startTime": 1538400720000,
                "endTime": 7258118400000,
                "displayName": "173",
                "impactLevel": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
                "status": "OPEN",
                "severityLevel": "AVAILABILITY",
                "commentCount": 0,
                "tagsOfAffectedEntities": [
                        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
                        "key": "loadtest"
                        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
                        "key": "ServiceNow"
                        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
                        "key": "host tag"
                "rankedImpacts": [
                        "entityId": "PROCESS_GROUP-09875E82E2FB98FD",
                        "entityName": "Windows System",
                        "severityLevel": "AVAILABILITY",
                        "impactLevel": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
                        "eventType": "PROCESS_GROUP_LOW_INSTANCE_COUNT"
                        "entityId": "HOST-ED6BC51DEBA8093A",
                        "entityName": "ZID",
                        "severityLevel": "AVAILABILITY",
                        "impactLevel": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
                        "eventType": "CONNECTION_LOST"
                "affectedCounts": {
                    "INFRASTRUCTURE": 1,
                    "SERVICE": 0,
                    "APPLICATION": 0,
                    "ENVIRONMENT": 0
                "recoveredCounts": {
                    "INFRASTRUCTURE": 1,
                    "SERVICE": 0,
                    "APPLICATION": 0,
                    "ENVIRONMENT": 0
                "hasRootCause": true
        "monitored": {
            "INFRASTRUCTURE": 2474,
            "SERVICE": 85,
            "APPLICATION": 503,
            "ENVIRONMENT": 1

Response code