AWS anomaly detection API - GET configuration

Gets the configuration of anomaly detection for AWS.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/anomalyDetection/aws
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


The request doesn't provide any configurable parameters.

Response format

The AwsAnomalyDetectionConfig object

The configuration of anomaly detection for AWS.

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

rdsHighCpuDetection RdsHighCpuDetectionConfig

How to detect high CPU utilization on RDS.

rdsHighWriteReadLatencyDetection RdsHighWriteReadLatencyDetectionConfig

How to detect high RDS write/read latency.

rdsLowStorageDetection RdsLowStorageDetectionConfig

How to detect low free storage space on RDS.

rdsHighMemoryDetection RdsHighMemoryDetectionConfig

How to detect DRS running out of memory.

elbHighConnectionErrorsDetection ElbHighConnectionErrorsDetectionConfig

How to detect high number of backend connection errors on ELB.

rdsRestartsSequenceDetection RdsRestartsSequenceDetectionConfig

How to detect restarts sequence on RDS.

lambdaHighErrorRateDetection LambdaHighErrorRateDetectionConfig

How to detect AWS Lambda high error rate.

ec2CandidateCpuSaturationDetection Ec2CandidateCpuSaturationDetectionConfig

How to detect high CPU saturation on EC2 monitoring candidate. If null, then these settings won't be changed.

The Ec2CandidateCpuSaturationDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the high CPU saturation on EC2 without installed agent (monitoring candidate). If null, then this configuration won't be changed.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds Ec2CandidateCpuSaturationThresholds

Custom thresholds for high CPU saturation on EC2 monitoring candidate. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The Ec2CandidateCpuSaturationThresholds object

Custom thresholds for high CPU saturation on EC2 monitoring candidate. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
cpuUsagePercentage integer

Alert if CPU usage is higher than X% in 3 out of 5 samples.

The LambdaHighErrorRateDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the AWS Lambda high error rate detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds LambdaHighErrorRateThresholds

Custom thresholds for AWS Lambda high error rate. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The LambdaHighErrorRateThresholds object

Custom thresholds for AWS Lambda high error rate. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
failedInvocationsRate integer

Alert if failed invocations rate is higher than X% in 3 out of 5 samples.

The RdsRestartsSequenceDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the restarts sequence on RDS detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds RdsRestartsThresholds

Custom thresholds for restarts sequence on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The RdsRestartsThresholds object

Custom thresholds for restarts sequence on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
restartsPerMinute integer

Alert if number of restarts is X per minute or higher in 3 out of 20 samples.

The ElbHighConnectionErrorsDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the high number of backend connection errors on ELB detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds ElbHighConnectionErrorsThresholds

Custom thresholds for high number of backend connection errors on ELB. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The ElbHighConnectionErrorsThresholds object

Custom thresholds for high number of backend connection errors on ELB. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
connectionErrorsPerMinute integer

Alert if number of backend connection errors is higher than X per minute in 3 out of 5 samples.

The RdsHighMemoryDetectionConfig object

The configuration of RDS running out of memory detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds RdsHighMemoryThresholds

Custom thresholds for RDS running out of memory. If not set, automatic mode is used.

All conditions must be fulfilled to trigger an alert.

The RdsHighMemoryThresholds object

Custom thresholds for RDS running out of memory. If not set, automatic mode is used.

All conditions must be fulfilled to trigger an alert.

Element Type Description
freeMemory number

Freeable memory is lower than X Megabytes in 3 out of 5 samples.

swapUsage number

Swap usage is higher than X Gigabytes in 3 out of 5 samples.

The RdsLowStorageDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the low free storage space on RDS detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds RdsLowStorageThresholds

Custom thresholds for low free storage space on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The RdsLowStorageThresholds object

Custom thresholds for low free storage space on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
freeStoragePercentage integer

Alert if free storage space divided by allocated storage is lower than X% in 3 out of 5 samples.

The RdsHighWriteReadLatencyDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the high RDS write/read latency detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds RdsHighLatencyThresholds

Custom thresholds for high RDS write/read latency. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The RdsHighLatencyThresholds object

Custom thresholds for high RDS write/read latency. If not set, automatic mode is used

Element Type Description
writeReadLatency integer

Alert if read/write latency is higher than X milliseconds in 3 out of 5 samples.

The RdsHighCpuDetectionConfig object

The configuration of the high CPU utilization on RDS detection.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The detection is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

customThresholds RdsHighCpuThresholds

Custom thresholds for high CPU utilization on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

The RdsHighCpuThresholds object

Custom thresholds for high CPU utilization on RDS. If not set, automatic mode is used.

Element Type Description
cpuUsagePercentage integer

Alert if CPU usage is higher than X% in 3 out of 5 samples.

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.


In this example, the request lists the current configuration of anomaly detection for AWS.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The configuration has the following settings:

Anomaly detection config - AWS


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

  "metadata": {
    "clusterVersion": "",
    "configurationVersions": [
  "rdsHighCpuDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "rdsHighWriteReadLatencyDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "rdsLowStorageDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "rdsHighMemoryDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "elbHighConnectionErrorsDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "rdsRestartsSequenceDetection": {
    "enabled": true
  "lambdaHighErrorRateDetection": {
    "enabled": true

Response code