Web application configuration API - GET a web application

Gets parameters of the specified web application.

This API only supports rule-based web applications. Mobile apps, agentless applications, browser extensions, etc. are not supported.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/applications/web/{id}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}.live.dexp.ae/api/config/v1/applications/web/{id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
id string

The ID of the requested web application.

path required

Response format

The WebApplicationConfig object

Configuration of a web application.

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

identifier string

DESK entity ID of the web application.

name string

The name of the web application, displayed in the UI.

realUserMonitoringEnabled boolean

Real user monitoring enabled/disabled.

costControlUserSessionPercentage number

Analize X% of user sessions.

loadActionKeyPerformanceMetric string

The key performance metric of load actions.

xhrActionKeyPerformanceMetric string

The key performance metric of XHR actions.

loadActionApdexSettings Apdex

The Apdex settings of load actions.

xhrActionApdexSettings Apdex

The Apdex settings of XHR actions.

customActionApdexSettings Apdex

The Apdex settings of custom actions.

waterfallSettings WaterfallSettings

Content resource settings.

monitoringSettings MonitoringSettings

Real user monitoring settings.

userActionNamingSettings UserActionNamingSettings

User action naming settings.

metaDataCaptureSettings MetaDataCapturing[]

Java script agent meta data capture settings.

conversionGoals ConversionGoal[]

A list of conversion goals of the application.

The ConversionGoal object

A conversion goal of the application.

Element Type Description
name string

The name of the conversion goal.

id string

The ID of conversion goal.

Omit it while creating a new conversion goal.

type string

The type of the conversion goal.

destinationDetails DestinationDetails

Configuration for the destination-based conversion goal

Required if the type is Destination. Omit it otherwise.

userActionDetails UserActionDetails

Configuration for the user action-based conversion goal.

Required if the type is UserAction. Omit it otherwise.

visitDurationDetails VisitDurationDetails

Configuration for the visit duration-based conversion goal.

Required if the type is VisitDuration. Omit it otherwise.

visitNumActionDetails VisitNumActionDetails

Configuration for the number of user actions-based conversion goal.

Required if the type is VisitNumActions. Omit it otherwise.

The VisitNumActionDetails object

Configuration of a number of user actions-based conversion goal.

Element Type Description
numUserActions integer

The number of user actions to hit the conversion goal.

The VisitDurationDetails object

Configuration of a visit duration-based conversion goal.

Element Type Description
durationInMillis integer

The duration of session to hit the conversion goal, in milliseconds.

The UserActionDetails object

Configuration of a user action-based conversion goal.

Element Type Description
value string

The value to be matched to hit the conversion goal.

caseSensitive boolean

The match is case-sensitive (true) or (false).

matchType string

The operator of the match.

matchEntity string

The type of the entity to which the rule applies.

actionType string

Type of the action to which the rule applies.

The DestinationDetails object

Configuration of a destination-based conversion goal.

Element Type Description
urlOrPath string

The path to be reached to hit the conversion goal.

matchType string

The operator of the match.

caseSensitive boolean

The match is case-sensitive (true) or (false).

The MetaDataCapturing object

Configuration to capture meta data with the JavaScript agent.

Element Type Description
type string

The type of the meta data to capture.

capturingName string

The name of the meta data to capture.

name string

Name for displaying the captured values in DESK.

The UserActionNamingSettings object

The settings of user action naming.

Element Type Description
placeholders UserActionNamingPlaceholder[]

User action placeholders.

loadActionNamingRules UserActionNamingRule[]

User action naming rules for loading actions.

xhrActionNamingRules UserActionNamingRule[]

User action naming rules for xhr actions.

ignoreCase boolean

Case insensitive naming.

splitUserActionsByDomain boolean

Deactivate this setting if different domains should not result in separate user actions.

The UserActionNamingRule object

The settings of naming rule.

Element Type Description
template string

Naming pattern. Use { } to select placeholders.

conditions UserActionNamingRuleCondition[]

Define the conditions when this naming rule should apply.

The UserActionNamingRuleCondition object

The settings of conditions for user action naming.

Element Type Description
operand1 string
operand2 string
operator string

The UserActionNamingPlaceholder object

The placeholder settings.

Element Type Description
name string

Placeholder name.

input string


processingPart string


processingSteps UserActionNamingPlaceholderProcessingStep[]

Processing actions.

metadataId integer

Id of the metadata.

useGuessedElementIdentifier boolean

Use the element identifier that was selected by DESK.

The UserActionNamingPlaceholderProcessingStep object

The processing step settings.

Element Type Description
type string


patternBefore string

Before (to be removed).

patternBeforeSearchType string

If patternBefore should be the first or the last occurrence

patternAfter string

After (to be removed).

patternAfterSearchType string

If patternAfter should be the first or the last occurrence

replacement string

Replace with.

The MonitoringSettings object

Real user monitoring settings.

Element Type Description
fetchRequests boolean

fetch() request capture enabled/disabled.

xmlHttpRequest boolean

XmlHttpRequest support enabled/disabled.

javaScriptFrameworkSupport JavaScriptFrameworkSupport

Support of various JavaScript frameworks.

contentCapture ContentCapture

Content capture settings.

excludeXhrRegex string

You can exclude some actions from becoming XHR actions.

Put a regular expression, matching all the required URLs, here.

If noting specified the feature is disabled.

injectionMode string

JavaScript injection mode.

libraryFileLocation string

The location of your application’s custom JavaScript library file.

If nothing specified the root directory of your web server is used.

monitoringDataPath string

The location to send monitoring data from the JavaScript tag.

Specify either a relative or an absolute URL. If you use an absolute URL, data will be sent using CORS.

customConfigurationProperties string

Additional JavaScript tag properties that are specific to your application. To do this, type key=value pairs separated using a (|) symbol.

serverRequestPathId string

Path to identify the server’s request ID.

secureCookieAttribute boolean

Secure attribute usage for DESK cookies enabled/disabled.

cookiePlacementDomain string

Domain for cookie placement.

cacheControlHeaderOptimizations boolean

Optimize the value of cache control headers for use with DESK real user monitoring enabled/disabled.

advancedJavaScriptTagSettings AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings

Advanced JavaScript tag settings.

The AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings object

Advanced JavaScript tag settings.

Element Type Description
syncBeaconFirefox boolean

Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Firefox enabled/disabled.

syncBeaconInternetExplorer boolean

Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Internet Explorer enabled/disabled.

instrumentUnsupportedAjaxFrameworks boolean

Instrumentation of unsupported Ajax frameworks enabled/disabled.

specialCharactersToEscape string

Additional special characters that are to be escaped using non-alphanumeric characters in HTML escape format.

maxActionNameLength integer

Maximum character length for action names. Valid values range from 5 to 10000.

maxErrorsToCapture integer

Maximum number of errors to be captured per page. Valid values range from 0 to 50.

additionalEventHandlers AdditionalEventHandlers

Additional event handlers and wrappers.

eventWrapperSettings EventWrapperSettings

In addition to the event handlers, events called using addEventListener or attachEvent can be captured. Be careful with this option! Event wrappers can conflict with the JavaScript code on a web page.

globalEventCaptureSettings GlobalEventCaptureSettings

Global event capture settings.

The GlobalEventCaptureSettings object

Global event capture settings.

Element Type Description
mouseUp boolean

MouseUp enabled/disabled.

mouseDown boolean

MouseDown enabled/disabled.

click boolean

Click enabled/disabled.

doubleClick boolean

DoubleClick enabled/disabled.

keyUp boolean

KeyUp enabled/disabled.

keyDown boolean

KeyDown enabled/disabled.

scroll boolean

Scroll enabled/disabled.

additionalEventCapturedAsUserInput string

Additional events to be captured globally as user input.

For example, DragStart or DragEnd.

The EventWrapperSettings object

In addition to the event handlers, events called using addEventListener or attachEvent can be captured. Be careful with this option! Event wrappers can conflict with the JavaScript code on a web page.

Element Type Description
click boolean

Click enabled/disabled.

mouseUp boolean

MouseUp enabled/disabled.

change boolean

Change enabled/disabled.

blur boolean

Blur enabled/disabled.

touchStart boolean

TouchStart enabled/disabled.

touchEnd boolean

TouchEnd enabled/disabled.

The AdditionalEventHandlers object

Additional event handlers and wrappers.

Element Type Description
userMouseupEventForClicks boolean

Use mouseup event for clicks enabled/disabled.

clickEventHandler boolean

Click event handler enabled/disabled.

mouseupEventHandler boolean

Mouseup event handler enabled/disabled.

blurEventHandler boolean

Blur event handler enabled/disabled.

changeEventHandler boolean

Change event handler enabled/disabled.

toStringMethod boolean

toString method enabled/disabled.

maxDomNodesToInstrument integer

Max. number of DOM nodes to instrument. Valid values range from 0 to 100000.

The ContentCapture object

Settings for content capture.

Element Type Description
resourceTimingSettings ResourceTimingSettings

Settings for resource timings capture.

javaScriptErrors boolean

JavaScript errors monitoring enabled/disabled.

timeoutSettings TimeoutSettings

Settings for timed action capture.

visuallyCompleteAndSpeedIndex boolean

Visually complete and Speed index support enabled/disabled.

The TimeoutSettings object

Settings for timed action capture.

Element Type Description
timedActionSupport boolean

Timed action support enabled/disabled.

Enable to detect actions that trigger sending of XHRs via setTimout methods.

temporaryActionLimit integer

Defines how deep temporary actions may cascade. 0 disables temporary actions completely. Recommended value if enabled is 3.

temporaryActionTotalTimeout integer

The total timeout of all cascaded timeouts that should still be able to create a temporary action

The ResourceTimingSettings object

Settings for resource timings capture.

Element Type Description
w3cResourceTimings boolean

W3C resource timings for third party/CDN enabled/disabled.

nonW3cResourceTimings boolean

Timing for JavaScript files and images on non-W3C supported browsers enabled/disabled.

nonW3cResourceTimingsInstrumentationDelay integer

Instrumentation delay for monitoring resource and image resource impact in browsers that don't offer W3C resource timings.

Valid values range from 0 to 9999.

Only effective if nonW3cResourceTimings is enabled.

resourceTimingCaptureType string

Defines how detailed resource timings are captured.

Only effective if w3cResourceTimings or nonW3cResourceTimings is enabled.

resourceTimingsDomainLimit integer

Limits the number of domains for which W3C resource timings are captured.

Only effective if resourceTimingCaptureType is CAPTURE_LIMITED_SUMMARIES.

The JavaScriptFrameworkSupport object

Support of various JavaScript frameworks.

Element Type Description
angular boolean

AngularJS and Angular support enabled/disabled.

dojo boolean

Dojo support enabled/disabled.

extJS boolean

ExtJS, Sencha Touch support enabled/disabled.

icefaces boolean

ICEfaces support enabled/disabled.

jQuery boolean

jQuery, Backbone.js support enabled/disabled.

mooTools boolean

MooTools support enabled/disabled.

prototype boolean

Prototype support enabled/disabled.

activeXObject boolean

ActiveXObject detection support enabled/disabled.

The WaterfallSettings object

These settings influence the monitoring data you receive for 3rd party, CDN, and 1st party resources.

Element Type Description
uncompressedResourcesThreshold integer

Warn about uncompressed resources larger than X bytes.

resourcesThreshold integer

Warn about resources larger than X bytes.

resourceBrowserCachingThreshold integer

Warn about resources with a lower browser cache rate above X%.

slowFirstPartyResourcesThreshold integer

Warn about slow 1st party resources with a response time above X ms.

slowThirdPartyResourcesThreshold integer

Warn about slow 3rd party resources with a response time above X ms.

slowCdnResourcesThreshold integer

Warn about slow CDN resources with a response time above X ms.

speedIndexVisuallyCompleteRatioThreshold integer

Warn if Speed index exceeds X % of Visually complete.

The Apdex object

Defines the Apdex settings of an application.

Element Type Description
toleratedThreshold integer

Maximal length of an action, in milliseconds, which is considered as satisfied user experience.

You can use values between 100 and 60000.

frustratingThreshold integer

Maximal length of an action, in milliseconds, which is considered as tolerable user experience.

You can use values between 100 and 240000.

toleratedFallbackThreshold integer

Fallback threshold of an XHR action, in milliseconds, defining a satisfied user experience, when the configured KPM is not available.

Values between 100 and 60000 are allowed.

frustratingFallbackThreshold integer

Fallback threshold of an XHR action, in milliseconds, defining a tolerable user experience, when the configured KPM is not available.

Values between 100 and 240000 are allowed.

considerJavaScriptErrors boolean

Consider JavaScript errors in Apdex calculations enabled/disabled

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.