Timeseries API - POST data points

Fetches parameters and data points of the specified metric. In comparison to a GET request, a POST request provides less data about the metric itself.

To obtain data points, you must specify the timeframe and the aggregation type supported by the requested metric. See the Parameters section for more details.

The request consumes and produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/timeseries/{timeseriesIdentifier}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}.live.dexp.ae/api/v1/timeseries/{timeseriesIdentifier}


To obtain data points, you must specify the timeframe and the aggregation type.

There are two mutually exclusive ways to set timeframe:

  • Combination of startTimestamp and endTimestamp.
  • relativeTime

The maximum allowed timeframe is 6 months.

Parameter Type Description In Required
timeseriesIdentifier string

The case-sensitive ID of the timeseries from which you want to read parameters and data points.

path required
body TimeseriesQueryMessage

The JSON body of the request, containing parameters to identify the required data points.

body optional

The TimeseriesQueryMessage object

Filtering parameters for a timeseries query.

Element Type Description Required
timeseriesId string

The case-sensitive ID of the metric, where you want to read data points.

You can execute a GET timeseries request, to obtain the list of available metrics.

aggregationType string

The aggregation type for the resulting data points.

If the requested metric doesn't support the specified aggregation, the request will result in an error.

The aggregationType element can hold these values.
startTimestamp integer

The start timestamp of the timeframe, in UTC milliseconds.

endTimestamp integer

The start timestamp of the timeframe, in UTC milliseconds.

If later than the current time, DESK automatically uses current time instead.

The timeframe must not exceed 6 months.

predict boolean

The flag to predict future data points.

relativeTime string

The relative timeframe, back from the current time.

The relativeTime element can hold these values.
queryMode string

Defines the type of result that the call should return. Valid result modes are:

series: returns all the data points of the metric in the specified timeframe. total: returns one scalar value for the specified timeframe.

By default, the series mode is used.

The queryMode element can hold these values.
entities string[]

Filters requested data points by entities which should deliver them. You can specify several entities at once.

Allowed values are DESK entity IDs.

If the selected entity doesn't support the requested metric, the request will result in an error.

tags string[]

Filters requiested data points by entity which should deliver them. Only data from entities with the specified tag is delivered.

You can specify several tags in the following format: tags=tag1&tags=tag2. The entity has to match all the specified tags.

In case of key-value tags, such as imported AWS or CloudFoundry tags use following format: [context]key:value.

filters object

A filter is an object, containing map of filter keys and its values. Valid filter keys are:

processType: Filters by process type. See Process types for allowed values. osType: Filters by operating system. See OS types for allowed values. serviceType: Filters by service type. See Service types for allowed values. technology: Filters by technology type. See Technology types for allowed values. webServiceName: Filters by web service name. webServiceNamespace: Filters by the web service namespace. host: Filters by entity ID of the host, for example HOST-007.

percentile integer

Specifies which percentile of the selected response time metric should be delivered.

Only applicable to the PERCENTILE aggregation type.

Valid values for percentile are between 1 and 99.

Please keep in mind that percentile export is only possible for response-time based metrics such as application and service response times.

includeParentIds boolean

Specifies whether the results should exposes dimension mappings between parent entities and their children.

For instance: SERVICE-0000000000000001, SERVICE_METHOD-0000000000000001

considerMaintenanceWindowsForAvailability boolean

Exclude (true) or include (false) data points from any maintenance window, defined in your environment.


Possible values

Possible values for the queryMode element in the TimeseriesQueryMessage object:


Possible values for the relativeTime element in the TimeseriesQueryMessage object:

  • 10mins
  • 15mins
  • 2hours
  • 30mins
  • 3days
  • 5mins
  • 6hours
  • day
  • hour
  • min
  • month
  • week

Possible values for the aggregationType element in the TimeseriesQueryMessage object:

  • AVG
  • MAX
  • MIN
  • SUM

Response format

The result is a JSON object that contains metric data points and parameters.

The TimeseriesQueryResultWrapper object

Element Type Description
result TimeseriesDataPointQueryResult

The TimeseriesDataPointQueryResult object

List of metric's datapoints, as well as their parameters.

Element Type Description
dataPoints object

Data points of a metric.

A JSON object that maps the ID of the entity that delivered the data points and an array, which consists of arrays of the data point float values.

May contain more than one entity ID per record (for example, a host and its network interface). In such cases, entity IDs are separated by commas.

A datapoint contains a value and a timestamp, at which the value was recorded.

DESK stores data in time slots. The dataPoints object shows the starting timestamp of the slot. If the startTimestamp or endTimestamp of your query lies inside of the data time slot, this time slot is included into response. Due to the fact that the timestamp of the first data point lies outside of the specified timeframe, you will see earlier timestamp than the specified startTimestamp in the first data point of the response.

There are three versions of data points:

  • Numeric datapoint: Contains a numeric value.
  • Enum datapoint: Contains an enum value, currently only for availability timeseries.
  • Prediction datapoint: Similar to the numeric datapoint, but it contains a confidence interval, within which the future values are expected to be.
unit string

The unit of data points.

resolutionInMillisUTC integer

The resolution of data points.

aggregationType string

The type of data points aggregation.

entities object

The list of entities where the data points originate.

A JSON object that maps the entity ID in DESK and the actual name of the entity.

timeseriesId string

The ID of the metric.

Timeframe note

DESK stores data in time slots. The dataPoints object shows the starting timestamp of the slot. If the startTimestamp or endTimestamp of your query fall within the data time slot, this time slot will be included in the response. Due to the fact that the timestamp of the first data point lies outside of the specified timeframe, you will see an earlier timestamp than the specified startTimestamp in the first data point of the response.

Timestamp scheme


In this example, the request returns values of the Actions per session (com.DESK.builtin:app.actionspersession) metric within the last hour for the APPLICATION-85A7CC and APPLICATION-8E41C8 applications. The result returns the average numbers of user actions per application. The result is truncated to three data points per application.


curl -X POST \
  https://mySampleEnv.live.dexp.ae/api/v1/timeseries \
  -H 'Authorization: abcdefjhij1234567890' \  
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \  
  -d '{
  "timeseriesId": "com.DESK.builtin:app.actionspersession",
  "relativeTime": "hour",
  "aggregationType": "avg",
  "entities": [

Request URL


Request body

  "timeseriesId": "com.DESK.builtin:app.actionspersession",
  "relativeTime": "hour",
  "aggregationType": "avg",
  "entities": [

Response content

  "result": {
    "dataPoints": {
      "APPLICATION-85A7CC": [
      "APPLICATION-8E41C8": [
    "unit": "PerMinute (count/min)",
    "resolutionInMillisUTC": 60000,
    "aggregationType": "AVG",
    "entities": {
      "APPLICATION-85A7CC": "Permanent Docker",
      "APPLICATION-8E41C8": "easyTravel AMP"
    "timeseriesId": "com.DESK.builtin:app.actionspersession"

Response code