Request attributes API - GET a request attribute

Gets parameters of the specified request attribute.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/service/requestAttributes/{id}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
id string

The ID of the required request attribute.

path required
includeProcessGroupReferences boolean

Flag to include process group references to the response.

Process Group group references aren't compatible across environments.

query optional

Response format

The RequestAttribute object

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

id string

The ID of the request attribute.

name string

The name of the request attribute.

enabled boolean

The request attribute is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

dataType string

The data type of the request attribute.

dataSources DataSource[]

The list of data sources.

normalization string

String values transformation.

If the dataType is not string, set the Original here.

aggregation string

Aggregation type for the request values.

confidential boolean

Confidential data flag. Set true to treat the captured data as confidential.

skipPersonalDataMasking boolean

Personal data masking flag. Set true to skip masking.

Warning: This will potentially access personalized data.

The DataSource object

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The data source is enbled (true) or disabled (false).

source string

The source of the attribute to capture. Works in conjunction with parameterName or methods and technology.

valueProcessing ValueProcessing

Process values as specified.

technology string

The technology of the method to capture if the source value is METHOD_PARAM. \n\n Not applicable in other cases.

sessionAttributeTechnology string

The technology of the session attribute to capture if the source value is SESSION_ATTRIBUTE. \n\n Not applicable in other cases.

methods CapturedMethod[]

The method specification if the source value is METHOD_PARAM.

Not applicable in other cases.

parameterName string

The name of the web request parameter to capture.


Not applicable in other cases.

scope ScopeConditions

Conditions for data capturing.

capturingAndStorageLocation string

Specifies the location where the values are captured and stored.

Required if the source is one of the following: GET_PARAMETER, URI, REQUEST_HEADER, RESPONSE_HEADER.

Not applicable in other cases.

If the source value is REQUEST_HEADER or RESPONSE_HEADER, the CAPTURE_AND_STORE_ON_BOTH location is not allowed.

iibNodeType string

The IBM integration bus node type for which the value is captured.

This or iibMethodNodeCondition is required if the source is: IIB_NODE.

Not applicable in other cases.

iibMethodNodeCondition ValueCondition

IBM integration bus node name condition for which the value is captured.

This or iibNodeType is required if the source is: IIB_NODE.

Not applicable in other cases.

The ScopeConditions object

Element Type Description
serviceTechnology string

Only applies to this service technology.

processGroup string

Only applies to this process group. Note that this can't be transferred between different clusters or environments.

hostGroup string

Only applies to this host group.

tagOfProcessGroup string

Only apply to process groups matching this tag.

The CapturedMethod object

Element Type Description
method MethodReference

The method where data is captured.

capture string

What to capture from the method.

argumentIndex integer

The index of the argument to capture. Set 0 to capture the return value, 1 or higher to capture a mehtod argument.

Required if the capture is set to ARGUMENT.

Not applicable in other cases.

deepObjectAccess string

The getter chain to apply to the captured object. It is required in one of the following cases:

The capture is set to THIS. The capture is set to ARGUMENT, and the argument is not a primitive, a primitive wrapper class, a string, or an array.

Not applicable in other cases.

The MethodReference object

Configuration of a method to be captured.

Element Type Description
visibility string

The visibility of the method to capture.

modifiers string[]

The modifiers of the method to capture.

className string

The class name where the method to capture resides.

Either this or the fileName must be set.

fileName string

The file name where the method to capture resides.

Either this or className must be set.

fileNameMatcher string

The operator of the comparison.

If not set, EQUALS is used.

methodName string

The name of the method to capture.

argumentTypes string[]

The list of argument types.

returnType string

The return type.

The ValueProcessing object

Element Type Description
extractSubstring ExtractSubstring

Preprocess by extracting a substring from the original value.

splitAt string

Split (preprocessed) string values at this separator.

trim boolean

Prune Whitespaces. Defaults to false.

valueCondition ValueCondition

Only capture values matching this condition.

valueExtractorRegex string

Extract value from captured data per regex.

The ValueCondition object

Element Type Description
operator string

Operator comparing the extracted value to the comparison value.

negate boolean

Negate the comparison.

value string

The value to compare to.

The ExtractSubstring object

Element Type Description
position string

The position of the extracted string relative to delimiters.

delimiter string

The delimiter string.

endDelimiter string

The end-delimiter string.

Required if the position value is BETWEEN. Otherwise not allowed.

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.