Services API - GET baseline

Gets the baseline data of the specified service.

The request produces an application/json payload.

This request is an early adopter release and may be changed in non compatible way.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/entity/services/{meIdentifier}/baseline
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{meIdentifier}/baseline


Parameter Type Description In Required
meIdentifier string

The DESK entity ID of the required service.

path required

Response format

The ServiceBaselineValues object

The baseline data for a service and its children for the Response time duration metric.

Element Type Description
entityId string

The ID of the service.

displayName string

The display name of the service.

serviceResponseTimeBaselines EntityBaselineData[]

The baseline data for the Response time duration metric.

The EntityBaselineData object

The baseline data for a DESK entity for a specific duration metric.

Element Type Description
entityId string

The ID of the DESK entity.

displayName string

The display name of the entity.

errorRate number

The error rate baseline.

hasLoadBaseline boolean

The entity has a load baseline (true) or doesn't (false).

microsMedian number

The median baseline, in microseconds.

micros90thPercentile number

The 90th percentile baseline, in microseconds.

childBaselines EntityBaselineData[]

The baseline data for child entities of this entity, for example a SERVICE_METHOD of a SERVICE_METHOD_GROUP.