Deployment API - Download latest ActiveGate

Downloads the configured standard ActiveGate installer of the latest version for the specified OS.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/deployment/installer/gateway/{osType}/latest
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{osType}/latest


Parameter Type Description In Required
If-None-Match string

The ETag of the previous request. Do not download if it matches the ETag of the installer.

header optional
osType string

The operating system of the installer.

The osType element can hold these values.
path required

Possible values

Possible values for the osType element:

  • windows
  • unix

Response codes

Code Description
200 Success. The payload contains the installer file.
304 Not modified. You already have the latest version of the installer. The response does not contain a payload.