AWS credentials API - GET credentials

Gets the configuration of the specified AWS credentials.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/aws/credentials/{id}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
id string

The ID of the specified AWS credentials configuration.

path required

Response format

The AwsCredentialsConfig object

Configuration of an AWS credentials.

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

id string

The unique ID of the credentials.

connectionStatus string

The status of the connection to the AWS environment.

  • CONNECTED: There was a connection within last 10 minutes.
  • DISCONNECTED: A problem occurred with establishing connection using these credentials. Check whether the data is correct.
  • UNINITIALIZED: The successful connection has never been established for these credentials.
label string

The name of the credentials.

partitionType string

The type of the AWS partition.

authenticationData AwsAuthenticationData

The type of the AWS authentication and the respective credentials.

taggedOnly boolean

Monitor only resources which have specified AWS tags (true) or all resources (false).

tagsToMonitor AwsConfigTag[]

A list of AWS tags to be monitored.

You can specify up to 10 tags.

Only applicable when the taggedOnly parameter is set to true.

supportingServices AwsSupportingService[]

A list of supporting services to be monitored.

The AwsSupportingService object

A supporting service to be monitored.

Element Type Description
name string

The short name of the supporting service.

metrics string[]

A list of metrics to be monitored for this service in format: <DimensionName> <MetricName> <AggregationShortName>.

The AwsConfigTag object

An AWS tag of the resource to be monitored.

Element Type Description
name string

The key of the AWS tag.

value string

The value of the AWS tag.

The AwsAuthenticationData object

A credentials for the AWS authentication.

Element Type Description
type string

The type of the authentication: role-based or key-based.

keyBasedAuthentication KeyBasedAuthentication

The credentials for the key-based authentication.

Only applicable when the type parameter is set to KEYS.

roleBasedAuthentication RoleBasedAuthentication

The credentials for the role-based authentication.

Only applicable when the type parameter is set to ROLE.

The RoleBasedAuthentication object

The credentials for the role-based authentication.

Element Type Description
iamRole string

The IAM role to be used by DESK to get monitoring data.

accountId string

The ID of the Amazon account.

externalId string

The external ID token for setting an IAM role.

You can obtain it with the GET /aws/iamExternalId request.

The KeyBasedAuthentication object

The credentials for the key-based authentication.

Element Type Description
accessKey string

The ID of the access key.

secretKey string

The secret access key.

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.