Synthetic locations API - GET all locations

Lists all locations, public and private, and their parameters available for your environment.

The request produces an application/json payload.

This request is an early adopter release and may be changed in non compatible way.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/synthetic/locations
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
cloudPlatform string

Filters the resulting set of locations to those which are hosted on a specific cloud platform.

The cloudPlatform element can hold these values.
query optional
type string

Filters the resulting set of locations by a specific type.

The type element can hold these values.
query optional

Possible values

Possible values for the type element:


Possible values for the cloudPlatform element:

  • AWS

Response format

The SyntheticLocations object

A list of synthetic locations.

Element Type Description
locations LocationCollectionElement[]

A list of synthetic locations.

The LocationCollectionElement object

A list of synthetic locations.

Element Type Description
name string

The name of the location.

entityId string

The DESK entity ID of the location.

type string

The type of the location.

cloudPlatform string

The cloud provider where the location is hosted.

Only applicable to PUBLIC locations.

ips string[]

The list of IP addresses assigned to the location.

Only applicable to PUBLIC locations.

stage string

Determines the location stage


In this example, the request lists all synthetic locations available for the mySampleEnv environment.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The result is truncated to three entries.


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

  "locations": [                
      "name": "Amazon US East (N. Virginia)",
      "entityId": "GEOLOCATION-95196F3C9A4F4215",
      "type": "PUBLIC",
      "cloudPlatform": "AMAZON_EC2",
      "ips": [
      "name": "AWS Europe (London)",
      "entityId": "GEOLOCATION-A9022AAFA0763F56",
      "type": "PUBLIC",
      "cloudPlatform": "AMAZON_EC2",
      "ips": [
      "name": "Gdansk HTTP",
      "entityId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-9C75B59442498323",
      "type": "PRIVATE"

Response code