Install an Environment ActiveGate

Read below the steps required for installing Environment ActiveGate.

Before you begin

Please check the hardware and system requirements for ActiveGate.

Download the installer

To install Environment ActiveGate

Select Deployment status from the navigation menu.

Click the Install ActiveGate button.

Click Linux or Windows based on your operating system.

How you download your installer depends on your setup and needs. You can choose to download an installer directly to the server where you plan to install Environment ActiveGate or you can download an installer to a different machine and then transfer the installer to the server.

On the Download DESK ActiveGate page, click the Linux button. Downloading the installer for Linux is easy—just copy the wget command line from the Use this command on the target host text box (see below) and paste it into your terminal window. Make sure to copy the command directly from the first text box because it contains your environment ID. Wait for the download to complete. Then verify the signature by copying the command from the Verify signature text box and pasting the command into your terminal window.

Make sure your system is up to date, especially SSL and related certificate libraries. If you plan to download Environment ActiveGate directly to the server, note that outdated libraries (for example, CA certificates) or missing OpenSSL will prevent the installer from downloading (we use encrypted connections, so OpenSSL is required to enable wget to access the server).
You can also download the installer by clicking the ActiveGate installer link at the bottom of the page and saving the installer script to any location on your system, thereby bypassing the wget command altogether.

Select the ActiveGate purpose

You can choose from the following purposes:

  • Default: to route OneAgent traffic, but also to run ActiveGate plugins.
  • Synthetic monitoring: to use your Environment ActiveGate to run synthetic monitors from a private location. The synthetic-enabled ActiveGate is used exclusively to run synthetic monitors. The clean ActiveGate installation set to Synthetic monitoring will disable all other ActiveGate features, including communication with OneAgents.
  • Mainframe monitoring: to install an ActiveGate with built-in zRemote code module which is necessary to monitor z/OS systems.

Run the installer

You can install Environment ActiveGate on a Linux or Windows machine. Environment ActiveGate needs to send monitoring data to DESK. This is why Environment ActiveGate requires Internet access. Environment ActiveGate listens (i.e., accepts incoming connections) on port 9999 and talks to DESK Server (i.e., makes outgoing connections) on port 443. Ensure that your firewall settings allow communication through these ports. For more information, see Which network ports does ActiveGate use?

Linux: Copy the installation script command from the last text box and paste it into your terminal. You'll need root rights to install an ActiveGate. You can use su or sudo to run the installation script.

Since version 1.155, the user running the ActiveGate service doesn't require root rights. If you don't specify your own user to run the ActiveGate service, existing or not, the installer by default creates the dtuserag user. For more information see Customize ActiveGate installation

To install ActiveGate, type one of the following commands into the directory where you downloaded the installation script.

You can add additional parameters to the installation command to customize your installation. For example, to install a Cluster ActiveGate as a non-privileged user you can use the USER=<user name> parameter as indicated below.

DESK-ActiveGate-Linux-x86-<version>.sh [USER=<user name>]

Environment ActiveGate can use an HTTP proxy server address. On Linux, you need to use an additional command line parameter, i.e. the PROXY parameter, whose value is the proxy address and port, for example PROXY="".

If you use a proxy that performs SSL termination, add a proxy certificate to the trusted keystore (trusted.jks).
In a standard installation, the keystore file (trusted.jks) is located in the following folders:

  • For Linux: /var/lib/desk/gateway/ssl/customkeys/
  • For Windows: JAVA_HOME\JRE\lib\security\cacert

Execute the following command on either Linux or Windows (depending on your installation):
keytool -importcert -file /path/to/your/SSLcert.cer -keystore trusted.jks When prompted, provide the trusted keystore password. You can find the password in the ActiveGate file.

Once Environment ActiveGate connects to DESK Server, installation is complete. As soon as Environment ActiveGate connects to DESK Server, OneAgent is informed and re-configured to send monitoring data through Environment ActiveGate. To check on the status of the installation, click the Show deployment status button and select the DESK ActiveGates tab.

Can't connect to Environment ActiveGate?

If you've set up several monitoring environments, it may be cumbersome to install and maintain multiple ActiveGates. Therefore, DESK enables you to configure a single ActiveGate in support of multiple monitoring environments. This significantly reduces maintenance and setup overhead. Thanks to this feature, you don't need to deploy multiple ActiveGates and adjust firewall settings for each Environment ActiveGate installation. Such multi-environment ActiveGates are capable of handling all traffic from the environments they are associated with.