Configure an Environment ActiveGate for multi-environment support

If you've set up several monitoring environments, it may be cumbersome to install and maintain multiple ActiveGates. Therefore, DESK enables you to configure a single ActiveGate in support of multiple monitoring environments. This significantly reduces maintenance and setup overhead. Thanks to this feature, you don't need to deploy multiple ActiveGates and adjust firewall settings for each Environment ActiveGate installation. Such multi-environment ActiveGates are capable of handling all traffic from the environments they are associated with.

You can't use an Environment ActiveGate configured for multi-environment support to:

To configure an existing Environment ActiveGate for multi-environment support

Create a file called that lists each DESK environment you want the Environment ActiveGate to support. Use the following format:

tenant = <tenant1_ID>;<tenant1_token>
tenant = <tenant2_ID>;<tenant2_token>

Note that tenant_ID corresponds to environment ID. For security reasons, you can no longer find the tenant_token in the DESK web UI.

Save the file to the following folder:

on Linux: /var/lib/desk/gateway/config
on Windows: %ProgramData%\desk\gateway\config

Restart the Environment ActiveGate.


All environments that are to be supported by the same Environment ActiveGate must run on the same cluster. Therefore, if your Environment ActiveGate configuration for multiple environments fails, please contact a DESK ONE product specialist by clicking the chat button in the upper-right corner of the DESK menu bar..