Alerting profiles API - GET a profile

Gets the parameters of the specified alerting profile.

The request produces an application/json payload.

This request is an early adopter release and may be changed in non compatible way.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/alertingProfiles/{id}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
id string

The ID of the required alerting profile.

path required

Response format

The AlertingProfile object

Configuration of an alerting profile.

Element Type Description
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

id string

The ID of the alerting profile.

displayName string

The name of the alerting profile, displayed in the UI.

rules AlertingProfileSeverityRule[]

A list of severity rules.

The rules are evaluated from top to bottom. The first matching rule applies and further evaluation stops.

If you specify both severity rule and event filter, the AND logic applies.

managementZoneId integer

The ID of the management zone to which the alerting profile applies.

eventTypeFilters AlertingEventTypeFilter[]

The list of event filters.

If several filters are specified, the OR logic applies.

If you specify both severity rule and event filter, the AND logic applies.

The AlertingEventTypeFilter object

Configuration of the event filter for the alerting profile.

You have two mutually exclusive options:

  • Select an event type from the list of the predefined events. Specify it in the predefinedEventFilter field.
  • Set a rule for custom events. Specify it in the customEventFilter field.
Element Type Description
predefinedEventFilter AlertingPredefinedEventFilter

The predefined event filter.

If several event filters specified, the OR logic applies.

customEventFilter AlertingCustomEventFilter

The custom event filter.

If several event filters specified, the OR logic applies.

The AlertingCustomEventFilter object

Configuration of a custom event filter.

Filters custom events by title or description. If both specified, the AND logic applies.

Element Type Description
customTitleFilter AlertingCustomTextFilter

The filter for the title of the custom event.

customDescriptionFilter AlertingCustomTextFilter

The filter for the description of the custom event.

The AlertingCustomTextFilter object

Configuration of a matching filter.

Element Type Description
enabled boolean

The filter is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

value string

The value to compare to.

operator string

Operator of the comparison.

You can reverse it by setting negate to true.

negate boolean

Reverses the comparison operator. For example it turns the begins with into does not begin with.

caseInsensitive boolean

The condition is case sensitive (false) or case insensitive (true).

If not set, then false is used, making the condition case sensitive.

The AlertingPredefinedEventFilter object

Configuration of a predefined event filter.

Element Type Description
eventType string

The type of the predefined event.

negate boolean

The alert triggers when the problem of specified severity arises while the specified event is happening (false) or while the specified event is not happening (true).

For example, if you chose the Slowdown (PERFORMANCE) severity and Unexpected high traffic (APPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_HIGH_LOAD) event with negate set to true, the alerting profile will trigger only when the slowdown problem is raised while there is no unexpected high traffic event.

Consider the following use case as an example. The Slowdown (PERFORMANCE) severity rule is set. Depending on the configuration of the event filter (Unexpected high traffic (APPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_HIGH_LOAD) event is used as an example), the behavior of the alerting profile is one of the following:* negate is set to false: The alert triggers when the slowdown problem is raised while unexpected high traffic event is happening.

  • negate is set to true: The alert triggers when the slowdown problem is raised while there is no unexpected high traffic event.

  • no event rule is set: The alert triggers when the slowdown problem is raised, regardless of any events.

The AlertingProfileSeverityRule object

A severity rule of the alerting profile.

A severity rule defines the level of severity that must be met before an alert is sent our for a detected problem. Additionally it restricts the alerting to certain monitored entities.

Element Type Description
severityLevel string

The severity level to trigger the alert.

tagFilter AlertingProfileTagFilter

A list of tags, defining the applicable monitored entities.

If no tags specified, the alerting profile applies to all monitored entities.

delayInMinutes integer

Send a notification if a problem remains open longer than X minutes.

The AlertingProfileTagFilter object

Configuration of the tag filtering of the alerting profile.

Element Type Description
includeMode string

The filtering mode:

  • INCLUDE_ANY: The rule applies to monitored entities that have at least one of the specified tags. You can specify up to 100 tags.
  • INCLUDE_ALL: The rule applies to monitored entities that have all of the specified tags. You can specify up to 10 tags.
  • NONE: The rule applies to all monitored entities.
tagFilters TagFilter[]

A list of required tags.

The TagFilter object

A tag-based filter of monitored entities.

Element Type Description
context string

The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.

Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS value.

key string

The key of the tag.

Custom tags have the tag value here.

value string

The value of the tag.

Not applicable to custom tags.

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.


In this example, the request lists the parameters of the Transaction slowdown alerting profile.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The profile has the following parameters:

GET example


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

  "metadata": {
    "configurationVersions": [
    "clusterVersion": ""
  "id": "93ac79a3-8cba-4be5-af44-50673b5e77f2",
  "displayName": "Transaction slowdown",
  "rules": [
      "severityLevel": "PERFORMANCE",
      "tagFilter": {
        "includeMode": "INCLUDE_ANY",
        "tagFilters": [
            "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
            "key": "searchService",
            "value": null
            "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
            "key": "bookingService",
            "value": null
            "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
            "key": "paymentService",
            "value": null
      "delayInMinutes": 5
  "managementZoneId": 9130632296508575249,
  "eventTypeFilters": [
      "predefinedEventFilter": {
        "negate": false

Response code