Hosts API - GET all hosts

Gets the list of all hosts in your DESK environment, along with their parameters.

The full list can be lengthy, so you can narrow it down by specifying filter parameters, like tags. See the Parameters section for more details.

You can additionally limit the output by using the pagination:

  1. Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
  2. Then use the cursor from the Next-Page-Key response header in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.

The request produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/entity/infrastructure/hosts
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}


The timeframe is restricted to a maximum period of 3 days.

Parameter Type Description In Required
startTimestamp integer

The start timestamp of the requested timeframe, in milliseconds (UTC).

If not set, then 72 hours behind from now is used.

query optional
endTimestamp integer

The end timestamp of the requested timeframe, in milliseconds (UTC).

If not set, then the current timestamp is used.

The timeframe must not exceed 3 days.

query optional
relativeTime string

The relative timeframe, back from now.

The relativeTime element can hold these values.
query optional
tag array

Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified tag. You can specify several tags in the following format: tag=tag1&tag=tag2. The host has to match all the specified tags.

In case of key-value tags, such as imported AWS or CloudFoundry tags use following format: [context]key:value.

query optional
showMonitoringCandidates boolean

Includes (true) or excludes (false) a monitoring candidate in the response.

Monitoring candidates are network entities that are detected but not monitored.

query optional
entity array

Filters result to the specified hosts only.

To specify several hosts use the following format: entity=ID1&entity=ID2.

query optional
managementZone integer

Only return hosts that are part of the specified management zone.

query optional
hostGroupId string

Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified host group.

Specify the DESK IDs of the host group you're interested in.

query optional
hostGroupName string

Filters the resulting set of hosts by the specified host group.

Specify the name of the host group you're interested in.

query optional
includeDetails boolean

Includes (true) or excludes (false) details which are queried from related entities.

Excluding details may make queries faster.

If not set, then true is used.

query optional
pageSize integer

The number of hosts per result page.

If not set, pagination is not used and the result contains all hosts fitting the specified filtering criteria.

query optional
nextPageKey string

The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the Next-Page-Key header of the previous response.

If you're using pagination, the first page is always returned without this cursor.

You must keep all other query parameters as they were in the first request to obtain subsequent pages.

query optional

Possible values

Possible values for the relativeTime element:

  • min
  • 5mins
  • 10mins
  • 15mins
  • 30mins
  • hour
  • 2hours
  • 6hours
  • day
  • 3days

Response format

The Host object

Element Type Description
entityId string

The DESK entity ID of the required entity.

displayName string

The name of the DESK entity as displayed in the UI.

customizedName string

The customized name of the entity

discoveredName string

The discovered name of the entity

firstSeenTimestamp integer

The timestamp of when the entity was first detected, in UTC milliseconds

lastSeenTimestamp integer

The timestamp of when the entity was last detected, in UTC milliseconds

tags TagInfo[]

The list of entity tags.

fromRelationships object
toRelationships object
logicalCpus integer

The AIX instance logical CPU count.

beanstalkEnvironmentName string
boshAvailabilityZone string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH availability zone.

gceProjectId string

The Google Compute Engine numeric project ID.

consumedHostUnits string
azureSiteNames string[]
virtualCpus integer

The AIX instance virtual CPU count.

azureHostNames string[]
gceInstanceId string

The Google Compute Engine instance ID.

gceInstanceName string

The Google Compute Engine instance name.

gcePublicIpAddresses InetAddress[]

The public IP addresses of the Google Compute Engine.

openstackProjectName string
autoScalingGroup string
cloudPlatformVendorVersion string

Defines the cloud platform vendor version.

awsInstanceId string
azureVmName string
isMonitoringCandidate boolean
cpuCores integer
openstackSecurityGroups string[]
openstackVmName string
publicIp string
gcpZone string

The Google Cloud Platform Zone.

boshDeploymentId string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH deployment ID.

hostGroup HostGroup

The host group the entity is in.

osArchitecture string
managementZones EntityShortRepresentation[]

The management zones that the entity is part of.

paasMemoryLimit integer
cloudType string
azureSku string
openstackAvZone string
logicalCpuCores integer
kubernetesNode string

The kubernetes node the entity is in.

localHostName string
openStackInstaceType string
hypervisorType string
softwareTechnologies TechnologyInfo[]
esxiHostName string
ipAddresses string[]
monitoringMode string
scaleSetName string
osType string
awsSecurityGroup string[]
simultaneousMultithreading integer

The AIX instance simultaneous threads count.

gceMachineType string

The Google Compute Engine machine type.

awsNameTag string

The name inherited from AWS.

bitness string
osVersion string
userLevel string
azureComputeModeName string
boshName string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH name.

paasType string
publicHostName string
agentVersion AgentVersion

The version of OneAgent currently running on the entity.

This is currently not supported for PaaS Agents.

boshInstanceId string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH instance ID.

localIp string
awsInstanceType string
kubernetesCluster string

The kubernetes cluster the entity is in.

gceProject string

The Google Compute Engine project.

amiId string
openstackComputeNodeName string
kubernetesLabels object

The kubernetes labels defined on the entity.

boshStemcellVersion string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH stemcell version.

vmwareName string
boshInstanceName string

The Cloud Foundry BOSH instance name.

oneAgentCustomHostName string

The custom name defined in OneAgent config.

The AgentVersion object

Defines the version of the agent currently running on the entity.

Element Type Description
major integer

The major version number.

minor integer

The minor version number.

revision integer

The revision number.

sourceRevision string

A string representation of the SVN revision number.

timestamp string

A timestamp string: format "yyyymmdd-hhmmss

The TechnologyInfo object

Element Type Description
type string
edition string
version string

The EntityShortRepresentation object

The short representation of a DESK entity.

Element Type Description
id string

The ID of the DESK entity.

name string

The name of the DESK entity.

description string

A short description of the DESK entity.

The HostGroup object

Element Type Description
meId string

The DESK entity ID of the host group.

name string

The name of the DESK entity, displayed in the UI.

The InetAddress object

Element Type Description
canonicalHostName string
multicastAddress boolean
anyLocalAddress boolean
loopbackAddress boolean
linkLocalAddress boolean
siteLocalAddress boolean
mcglobal boolean
mcnodeLocal boolean
mclinkLocal boolean
mcsiteLocal boolean
mcorgLocal boolean
address string[]
hostAddress string
hostName string

The TagInfo object

Tag of a DESK entity.

Element Type Description
context string

The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.

Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS value.

key string

The key of the tag.

Custom tags have the tag value here.

value string

The value of the tag.

Not applicable to custom tags.

Response headers

Header Type Description
Total-Count integer The estimated number of results.
Next-Page-Key string The cursor for the next page of results. Without it you'll get the first page again.
Page-Size string The maximum number of results per page.


In this example, the request lists all hosts in the environment.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The result is truncated to two entries.


curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890'

Request URL

Response body

    "entityId": "HOST-B7A6F9EE9F366CB5",
    "displayName": "tag009",
    "discoveredName": "tag009",
    "firstSeenTimestamp": 1538473087608,
    "lastSeenTimestamp": 1538641647769,
    "tags": [
        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
        "key": "loadtest"
        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
        "key": "host tag"
    "fromRelationships": {
      "isNetworkClientOfHost": [
    "toRelationships": {
      "isProcessOf": [
      "isSiteOf": [
      "isNetworkClientOfHost": [
      "runsOn": [
    "osType": "LINUX",
    "osArchitecture": "X86",
    "osVersion": "Ubuntu 18.04.1",
    "ipAddresses": [
    "bitness": "64bit",
    "cpuCores": 4,
    "logicalCpuCores": 8,
    "consumedHostUnits": 2,
    "managementZones": [
        "id": "6164525246045854296",
        "name": "Zone Service E"
        "id": "5678",
        "name": "Infrastructure Linux"
    "entityId": "HOST-2540A456786EEBCA",
    "displayName": "RD40",
    "discoveredName": "RD40",
    "firstSeenTimestamp": 1536455342329,
    "lastSeenTimestamp": 1538661752404,
    "tags": [
        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
        "key": "loadtest"
    "fromRelationships": {},
    "toRelationships": {
      "isProcessOf": [
      "isSiteOf": [
      "runsOn": [
    "osType": "WINDOWS",
    "osArchitecture": "X86",
    "osVersion": "Windows Server 2016 Datacenter",
    "hypervisorType": "HYPERV",
    "ipAddresses": [
    "bitness": "64bit",
    "cpuCores": 2,
    "logicalCpuCores": 2,
    "cloudType": "AZURE",
    "paasType": "AZURE_WEBSITES",
    "paasMemoryLimit": 3583,
    "azureHostNames": [
    "azureSiteNames": [
    "azureComputeModeName": "DEDICATED",
    "azureSku": "STANDARD",
    "consumedHostUnits": 0.25,
    "managementZones": [
        "id": "5130731705740636866",
        "name": "Windows"

Response code