Report custom device metric via REST API

The Topology & Smartscape—Custom device API enables you to send a custom metric data point to a custom device in DESK. This request is also able to update the metadata of the custom device.

See Create custom device via the DESK API to learn how to create a custom device without sending data to it.

You can send data to the custom device retrospectively—the custom device endpoint supports the reporting of data up to one hour in the past. However, to ensure the proper functioning of AI root-cause analysis and metric-based alerting, we recommend that data be sent in real time.

For this use case, the series element of the request body is required.

The request consumes and produces an application/json payload.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/entity/infrastructure/custom/{customDeviceId}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{customDeviceId}


Parameter Type Description In Required
customDeviceId string

The ID of the custom device.

If you use the ID of an existing device, the respective parameters will be updated.

path required
body CustomDevicePushMessage

The JSON body of the request. Contains parameters of a custom device.

body optional

The CustomDevicePushMessage object

Configuration of a custom device.

Element Type Description Required
displayName string

The name of the custom device that will appear in the user interface.

group string

User defined group ID of entity.

The group ID helps to keep a consistent picture of device-group relations. One of many cases where a proper group is important is service detection: you can define which custom devices should lead to the same service by defining the same group ID for them.

If you set a group ID, it will be hashed into the DESK entity ID of the custom device. In that case the custom device can only be part of one custom device group.

If you don't set the group ID, DESK will create it based on the ID or type of the custom device. Also, the group will not be hashed into the device ID which means the device may switch groups.

ipAddresses string[]

The list of IP addresses that belong to the custom device.

These addresses are used to automatically discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape. Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

If you send a value (including an empty value), the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.

listenPorts integer[]

The list of ports the custom devices listens to.

These ports are used to discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape.

Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

If ports are specified, you should also add at least one IP address or a host name for the custom device.

If you send a value, the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null, or an empty value, or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.

type string

The technology type definition of the custom device.

It must be the same technology type of the metric you're reporting.

If you send a value (including an empty value), the existing value will be overwritten.

If you send null or omit this field, the existing value will be kept.

favicon string

The icon to be displayed for your custom component within Smartscape. Provide the full URL of the icon file.

configUrl string

The URL of a configuration web page for the custom device, such as a login page for a firewall or router.

properties object

The list of key-value pair properties that will be shown beneath the infographics of your custom device.

tags string[]

List of custom tags that you want to attach to your custom device.

series EntityTimeseriesData[]

The list of metric values that are reported for the custom device.

DESK aggregates all the values you report for a custom device.

If you send a value (including an empty value), it will be added to the set of existing values.

If you send null or omit this field, the set of existing values won't change.

hostNames string[]

The list of host names related to the custom device.

These names are used to automatically discover the horizontal communication relationship between this component and all other observed components within Smartscape. Once a connection is discovered, it is automatically mapped and shown within Smartscape.

If you send a value, the existing values will be overwritten.

If you send null or an empty value; or omit this field, the existing values will be kept.


The EntityTimeseriesData object

Information about a metric and its data points.

Element Type Description Required
timeseriesId string

The ID of the metric, where you want to post data points.

dimensions object

Dimensions of the data points you're posting.

The key of the metric dimension must be defined earlier in the metric definition.

dataPoints array[]

List of data points.

Each data point is an array, containing the timestamp and the value.

Timestamp is UTC milliseconds reported as a number, for example: 1520523365557.

Values can't be reported more than 2 hours into the past!

A custom metric must be registered before you can report a metric value. Therefore, the timestamp for reporting a value must be after the registration time of the metric.


Response format

Element Type Description
entityId string The DESK entity ID of the newly created custom device.
groupId string The DESK entity ID of the custom device group.


In this example, the request reports two data points of custom:firewall.connections.dropped for the idOfmyCustomDevice device. The data points (with value 460 for the 1539860400000 time stamp and value 456 for the 1539860460000 time stamp) belong to the ethernetcard1 value of the nic dimension.

The request also reports two more data points of the same metric, but for ethernetcard2 in the same dimension, and it updates device metadata by adding a property and a tag.

The API token is passed in the Authorization header.

The request returns the IDs of the custom device (see entityId) and its group (see groupId) as confirmation.

You can download or copy the example request body to try it out on your own.


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \  
  -d '{  
  "tags": [
  "type": "F5-Firewall",
  "properties" : {    
    "Sample Property 2": "Sample value 2"
  "series" : [
      "timeseriesId" : "custom:firewall.connections.dropped",
      "dimensions" : {
        "nic" : "ethernetcard1"  
      "dataPoints" : [
        [ 1539860400000, 460 ],
        [ 1539860460000, 456 ]
      "timeseriesId" : "custom:firewall.connections.dropped",
      "dimensions" : {
        "nic" : "ethernetcard2"  
      "dataPoints" : [
        [ 1539860430000, 439 ],
        [ 1539860490000, 460 ]

Request URL

Request body

  "tags": [
  "type": "F5-Firewall",
  "properties" : {
    "Sample Property 2": "Sample value 2"
  "series" : [
      "timeseriesId" : "custom:firewall.connections.dropped",
      "dimensions" : {
        "nic" : "ethernetcard1"
      "dataPoints" : [
        [ 1539860400000, 460 ],
        [ 1539860460000, 456 ]
      "timeseriesId" : "custom:firewall.connections.dropped",
      "dimensions" : {
        "nic" : "ethernetcard2"
      "dataPoints" : [
        [ 1539860430000, 439 ],
        [ 1539860490000, 460 ]

Response body

  "entityId": "CUSTOM_DEVICE-6A567B33AADC306E",

Response code



Metrics of the custom device in chart