Service detection rules API - GET a rule

Shows the properties of the specified service detection rule.

The request produces an application/json payload.

This request is an early adopter release and may be changed in non compatible way.

  • Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/service/detectionRules/OPAQUE_AND_EXTERNAL_WEB_REQUEST/{id}
  • SaaS https://{your-environment-id}{id}


Parameter Type Description In Required
id string

The ID of the required service detection rule.

path required

Response codes

Code Description
200 Success. The response contains properties of the specified rule.
404 Failed. The rule with the specified ID doesn't exist.

Response format

Refer to JSON models to find all JSON models that depend on the type of the model.

The OpaqueAndExternalWebRequestRule object

The service detection rule of the OPAQUE_AND_EXTERNAL_WEB_REQUEST type.

Element Type Description
type string
metadata ConfigurationMetadata

Metadata useful for debugging.

id string

The ID of the service detection rule.

order string

The order of the rule in the rules list.

The rules are evaluated from top to bottom. The first matching rule applies.

name string

The name of the rule.

description string

A short description of the rule.

enabled boolean

The rule is enabled(true) or disabled (false).

conditions ConditionsOpaqueAndExternalWebRequestAttributeTypeDto[]

A list of conditions of the rule.

If several conditions are specified, the AND logic applies.

applicationId ApplicationId

How to handle the detected ID of the application.

contextRoot ContextRoot

How to handle the detected context root of the request URL.

port Port

How to handle the port where the opaque request has been detected.

publicDomainName PublicDomainName

How to handle the domain name where the opaque request has been detected.

The PublicDomainName object

The contribution to the service ID calculation from the domain name where the web request has been detected.

You have two mutually exclusive options:

  • Override the detected value with a specified static value. Specify the new value in the valueOverride field.
  • Dynamically transform the detected value. Specify the transformation parameters in the transformations field.
Element Type Description
copyFromHostName boolean

Use (true) or don't use (false) the detected host name as base for transformation.

Not applicable if the override is specified.

valueOverride string

The value to be used instead of the detected value.

transformations TransformationBase[]

Transformations to be applied to the detected value.

The Port object

The contribution to the service ID calculation from the port, where the web request has been detected.

Element Type Description
doNotUseForServiceId boolean

The port is used (false) or isn't used (true) in the service ID calculation.

The ContextRoot object

The contribution to the service ID calculation from the detected context root.

The context root is the first segment of the request URL after server name. For example, in the URL the context root is support.

You have two options:

  • Keep a part of the detected URL. Specify the number of segments to be kept in the segmentsToCopyFromUrlPath field.
  • Dynamically transform the detected URL. Specify the transformation parameters in the transformations field.

You can use one or both options. If you use both, the transformation applies to the modified URL.

Element Type Description
segmentsToCopyFromUrlPath integer

The number of segments of the URL to be kept.

The URL is divided by slashes (/), the indexing starts with 1 at context root.

For example, if you specify 2 for the URL, the value of support/help is used.

transformations ContextRootTransformation[]

Transformations to be applied to the detected value.

The ContextRootTransformation object

Configuration of transformation of the detected value.

If several transformations are specified, they are handled sequentially from top to bottom. Each transformation is applied to the result of the preceding transformation. For example, the second transformation is applied to the result of the first transformation.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the transformation.

Element Type Description
type string

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value:

BEFORE -> BeforeTransformation REPLACE_BETWEEN -> ReplaceBetweenTransformation REMOVE_NUMBERS -> RemoveNumbersTransformation REMOVE_CREDIT_CARDS -> RemoveCreditCardNumbersTransformation REMOVE_IBANS -> RemoveIBANsTransformation REMOVE_IPS -> RemoveIPsTransformation

The ApplicationId object

The contribution to the service ID calculation from the detected application ID.

You have two mutually exclusive options:

  • Override the detected value with a specified static value. Specify the new value in the valueOverride field.
  • Dynamically transform the detected value. Specify the transformation parameters in the transformations field.
Element Type Description
valueOverride string

The value to be used instead of the detected value.

transformations TransformationBase[]

Transformations to be applied to the detected value.

The TransformationBase object

Configuration of transformation of the detected value.

If several transformations are specified, they are handled sequentially from top to bottom. Each transformation is applied to the result of the preceding transformation. For example, the second transformation is applied to the result of the first transformation.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the transformation.

Element Type Description
type string

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value:

BEFORE -> BeforeTransformation AFTER -> AfterTransformation BETWEEN -> BetweenTransformation REPLACE_BETWEEN -> ReplaceBetweenTransformation REMOVE_NUMBERS -> RemoveNumbersTransformation REMOVE_CREDIT_CARDS -> RemoveCreditCardNumbersTransformation REMOVE_IBANS -> RemoveIBANsTransformation REMOVE_IPS -> RemoveIPsTransformation SPLIT_SELECT -> SplitSelectTransformation TAKE_SEGMENTS -> TakeSegmentsTransformation

The ConditionsOpaqueAndExternalWebRequestAttributeTypeDto object

A condition of the service detection rule.

Element Type Description
attributeType string

The type of the attribute to be checked.

compareOperations CompareOperation[]

A list of conditions for the rule.

If several conditions are specified, the AND logic applies.

The CompareOperation object

The condition of the rule.

The actual set of fields depends on the type of the condition.

Element Type Description
type string

Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value:

EQUALS -> EqualsCompareOperation STRING_CONTAINS -> StringContainsCompareOperation STARTS_WITH -> StartsWithCompareOperation ENDS_WITH -> EndsWithCompareOperation EXISTS -> ExistsCompareOperation IP_IN_RANGE -> IpInRangeCompareOperation LESS_THAN -> LessThanCompareOperation GREATER_THAN -> GreaterThanCompareOperation INT_EQUALS -> IntEqualsCompareOperation STRING_EQUALS -> StringEqualsCompareOperation

The ConfigurationMetadata object

Metadata useful for debugging

Element Type Description
configurationVersions integer[]

A Sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration.

clusterVersion string

DESK server version.