About the company

DEXP is a UAE-based company specializing in the development
of AI-enabled business solutions.

We are winning the global market with our cutting-edge APM & Observability – DESK system. The system has proved its high potential as a user experience and business transaction monitoring tool in major customers’ environments, both public and private.

Desk Licensing
and Payment

Partnership Program

DESK is building its
channel partner network in Africa.
AI-based APM means unlimited
capabilities that can reinforce
any technology solution. Partnering
with us, you will broaden your
opportunities, master new approaches,
and improve your expertise.
We support our partners at all stages,
including presale, solution
implementation, customer training,
and project support.

Want to become
a partner?

1. View our Partnership Program
2. Fill out the form
3. We will contact you
for authorization

Partner's form

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